RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Module 7 This training is designed for transportation professionals who want to understand how to use RAD-IT tool to create regional and project ITS architectures. The training discusses how to use the RAD-IT tool and provides a basic overview of the tools that have been developed to support ARC-IT use.
This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Roles & Responsibilities (R&R) Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the R&R Tab Be able to modify information on the R&R Tab In this Module, we will review the RAD-IT Roles & Responsibilities (R &R) tab and begin to use it. At the end of this Module, you will be able to: Explain how to access the Roles & Responsibilities Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Roles & Responsibilities Tab Be able to modify information on the Roles & Responsibilities Tab This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Let’s look at these topics first, then at the end of the Module in a hands-on exercise you will perform these activities in RAD-IT. This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Foundation for Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Foundation for Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT Since roles & responsibilities defines the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in delivering ITS services, the ITS stakeholders must be listed and the services selected, before any roles & responsibilities can be entered in RAD-IT. Stakeholders were discussed in Module 4, inventory of ITS elements in Module 5 and selecting ITS service in Module 6 of this course. Image Description: The diagram showing relationships between architecture components in RAD-IT with the nine components of an ITS architecture with focus on Roles & Responsibilities’ associated relationships between Services and Stakeholders.
Roles & Responsibilities RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Roles & Responsibilities “… identifies the roles and responsibilities of participating agencies and stakeholders in the operation and implementation of the systems included in the regional ITS architecture” US DOT’s Intelligent Transportation System Architecture and Standards Final Rule/Policy states that roles & responsibilities “… identifies the roles and responsibilities of participating agencies and stakeholders in the operation and implementation of the systems included in the regional ITS architecture.” So an operational concept defines ITS roles and responsibilities from a stakeholder's perspective. Image Description: A symbol identifying the contents of this slide as a Rule or Policy is shown.
Roles & Responsibilities RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Roles & Responsibilities Role – ITS function Example: Traffic Manager Responsibilities – A duty or obligation in delivering one or more ITS services Example: Control sensors, provide current traffic conditions information to other agencies A stakeholder performs a function in support of delivering a transportation service in a region. The stakeholder’s role denotes their “function” in ITS. An example of a stakeholder’s role is “traffic manager”. The stakeholder’s responsibilities are the duties or obligations to deliver ITS service(s). Responsibilities of a traffic manager might be controlling traffic sensors and surveillance and providing current traffic conditions to other agencies.
Benefits of Roles & Responsibilities RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Benefits of Roles & Responsibilities Identifies integration opportunities Documents how a particular service will be implemented Written using stakeholder’s own terminology Since roles & responsibilities focuses on the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, everyone knows where the stakeholders “fit in” to the region, what their roles will be, and what is expected from them ,when roles & responsibilities are assigned to them. This allows: Identification of integration opportunities, between agencies and stakeholders. Determination of how a particular service will be implemented, including scenarios that are important in a region or project. For example: For signal preemption, the emergency vehicle interacts directly with field equipment. The emergency dispatch talks to traffic management center who in turn, controls its field equipment. Stakeholders to clearly understand their duties as roles & responsibilities is written in language the stakeholders understand. It isn’t written using “architecture terms” which may be unfamiliar to the stakeholder.
Roles & Responsibilities Tab RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Roles & Responsibilities Tab The Roles & Responsibilities is entered on the sixth tab of RAD-IT which is labeled R&R. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT R&R tab.
Creating Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT Step 1 Select Role & Responsibility Areas Based on selected ITS services Select stakeholders for each Role & Responsibility Area Record Roles & Responsibilities for each stakeholder in each Role & Responsibility Area assigned to them Step 2 Creating roles & responsibilities in RAD-IT is a two step process. Step 1 is to select Role and Responsibility Areas which are based on the ITS services included in the architecture. Then for each selected area, the stakeholders involved in the area must be selected. Step 2 is to record actual roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the area. Let’s look at the steps in more detail.
Creating Roles & Responsibilities RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Creating Roles & Responsibilities Two options to select Role & Responsibility Areas: Define areas from scratch OR Allow RAD-IT to select functional areas based on selected ITS services There are two options to complete the first step of creating roles & responsibilities Areas in RAD-IT. You can start from scratch to define Role & Responsibility Areas or RAD-IT can recommend a preliminary set of areas based on the selected ITS services.
Creating an Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Creating an Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) RAD-IT creates Role & Responsibility Areas based on service packages When Autoselect is selected, the Autoselect Roles and Responsibilities window opens. It provides options to control the Autoselect process. Once the settings are selected, select Continue. (Click to display new window.) RAD-IT recommends a set of Role and Responsibility areas based on the selected ITS services. You are able to review the areas to decide whether to add them or not. RAD-IT names the areas based on the generic Role & Responsibility Area name (e.g., Surface Street Management) and the architecture name (e.g., Marinara County). This allows the same default areas to be used for both regional and project architectures. The default Role & Responsibility Areas in RAD-IT are: Archived Data Systems, Commercial Vehicle Operations, Electronic Toll Collection, Emergency Management, Freeway Management, Incident Management, Maintenance and Construction, Parking Management, Surface Street Management, Transit Services and Traveler Information. To complete the Autoselect, you select the Yes button to add the areas or the No button to cancel. Image Description: Three screen captures from RAD-IT are shown that illustrate the steps that RAD-IT follows when the Autoselect button is clicked. The first shows a portion of a screen capture of RAD-IT with the Autoselect button highlighted with an oval. An arrow leads from this screen capture to the second screen capture. The second screen capture shows the first Autoselect Roles and Responsibilities dialog box, and an oval highlights the Continue button. An arrow leads from the second screen capture to the third screen capture. The third screen capture shows the second Autoselect Roles and Responsibilities dialog box.
Creating an Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Creating an Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) Area Name Area Description Service Packages For a R&R area whether created manually or with Autoselect, you can: Revise the area name, Add a description, Revise Service Package selections, Select stakeholders involved in the area and Associate the area with projects. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT is shown with the Roles & Responsibilities tab selected. The screen capture is annotated with arrows and text identifying text entry fields for Role and Responsibility Area name and description; and selection lists for service packages, stakeholders, and projects. Stakeholders Projects
Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 2 Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT Step 1 Select Role & Responsibility (R&R) Areas based on services Select stakeholders for each R&R area Step 2 Record roles & responsibilities for each stakeholder in each R&R Area Step 2 of creating Roles & Responsibilities in RAD-IT is to record the roles & responsibilities for each stakeholder in each Role & Responsibility Area.
Creating Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 2 Creating Roles & Responsibilities (cont.) Select a stakeholder for one of the Role & Responsibility Areas and write roles & responsibilities To record roles & responsibilities, select a stakeholder in one of the areas from the list on the left side of the tab and, the right side will change so roles & responsibilities can be entered. When a role & responsibility is entered in a box on the right, a new empty box is added so another role & responsibility can be added. Each role & responsibility can be assigned status as shown in the screen capture. In the example shown, Marinara County Department of Public Works has 3 roles & responsibilities for the Incident Management for Marinara County Role & Responsibility Area. Once roles & responsibilities have been entered, a RR icon will be displayed next to the stakeholder name beneath the corresponding Role & Responsibility Area in the list on the left. This completes roles & responsibilities in RAD-IT. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT showing the Role and Responsibility Areas pane with one stakeholder selected. An arrow points to identify the roles and responsibilities for the selected stakeholder. Roles & Responsibilities
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Knowledge Check An operational concept defines the roles and responsibilities of? ITS Stakeholders ITS Elements ITS Entities ITS Service Packages An operational concept defines the roles and responsibilities of? ITS Stakeholders ITS Elements ITS Entities ITS Service Packages Time for a knowledge check. An operational concept defines the roles and responsibilities of? ITS Stakeholders ITS Elements ITS Entities ITS Service Packages (Click to highlight the correct answer.) The correct answer is ITS stakeholders. US DOT’s Intelligent Transportation System Architecture and Standards Final Rule/Policy states that Operational Concept “… identifies the roles and responsibilities of participating agencies and stakeholders in the operation and implementation of the systems included in the regional ITS architecture.”
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Relationship of Roles & Responsibilities to Other Architecture Components Roles and responsibilities is based upon the stakeholders and the ITS services that they will provide. The roles and responsibilities does not directly impact any other architecture components in a RAD-IT database. Image Description: The diagram shows relationships between the nine components of an architecture in RAD-IT with focus on Roles & Responsibilities’ associated relationships between Services and Stakeholders.
Output R&R Table RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 From output tool bar you are able to produce outputs for a completed or partially defined Regional or Project Architecture. To view the R&R output for an architecture, you select “Output” then “tables” from the tool bar at the top of the RAD-IT window. This opens the output table window. You can traverse through the categories to find the Roles and Responsibilities table under Stakeholders Topics. Image Description: An image of the RAD-IT Output tool bar, with tables highlighted, is shown in the left diagram. A large arrow from the highlighted table selection points to a screen capture of a RAD-IT Output Tables dialog box.
Output – R&R Table (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Output – R&R Table (cont.) Use the right arrow to select individual columns to include (they will then move to the Selected Columns area table). You can also use the double right arrow to include all the columns. To view the report, you select the “Open Application” button in the Output Tables window. The Table opens in a new window from which you can view, print & save the table. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Output Tables dialog box is shown, with a box around the “Open Application”. A large arrow points from the Open Application button to a screen capture of the preview of a R&R Report table.
Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit Architecture = Marinara County (Regional) Time for an exercise on Roles & Responsibilities. This exercise will use the same database and architecture as in the previous exercises. If you need the database, click on the screen where indicted to download it. If it is not already open, open the marinaraforexercises database in RAD-IT. Select the Marinara County Regional Architecture. Let’s look at the objective of the exercise before we complete it. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Objective Start to create a Roles & Responsibility for Weather Information Dissemination in Marinara County Remember that the Saucelito City Department of Public Works plans to collect road weather information in their Road Maintenance System. The Marinara County DOT already collects road weather information with their GARLIC Information System. Both agencies will supplement their collected data with information received from the National Weather Service. Service Package WX01 is titled Road Weather Data Collection. To include weather information collection in the Marinara County Architecture, we will include two instances of the WX01 Service Package; one for Saucelito City and one for Marinara County. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps On R&R tab, use Autoselect to add areas RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps On R&R tab, use Autoselect to add areas In Traveler Information for Marinara County area, Add both instances of WX01 plus WX02 Select Marinara County DPW & Saucelito City DPW as stakeholders Please complete the exercise now (following these steps.) First, use the Autoselect button to add Role & Responsibility Areas. In the Traveler Information for Marinara County area, Add both instances of WX01 plus WX02. Select Marinara County Department of Public Works (DPW) & Saucelito City DPW as stakeholders. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) In Traveler Information for Marinara County area for Saucelito City Department of Public Works, add planned roles & responsibilities: Collect road weather information on critical city roadways. Get local weather information from NWS. Provide road weather information about critical city roadways to TOMATO Traveler Information System. In the Traveler Information for Marinara County area for the Saucelito City Department of Public Works, add planned roles & responsibilities: Collect road weather information on critical city roadways. Get local weather information from NWS. Provide road weather information about critical city roadways to TOMATO Traveler Information System. When done, confirm that the RR icon is displayed next to the Saucelito City Department of Public Works (in the Traveler Information for Marinara County area). Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise – Steps (cont.) RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For the Marinara County Regional Architecture: View the R&R Table Confirm that the roles & responsibilities for Saucelito City Department of Public Works are included For the Marinara County Regional Architecture: View the roles & responsibilities Table. Confirm that the roles & responsibilities for the Saucelito City Department of Public Works are included. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.
Exercise - Knowledge Check RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Knowledge Check In the R&R for Marinara County, how many Service Packages are selected for the Traveler Information for Marinara County area? 1 3 5 7 In the R&R for Marinara County, how many Service Packages are selected for the Traveler Information for Marinara County area? 1 3 5 7 It is time for a knowledge check. In the R&R for Marinara County, how many Service Packages are selected for the Traveler Information for Marinara County area? 1 3 5 7 (Click to highlight the correct answer.) The correct answer is seven. Three Service Packages (two instances of WX01 and WX02) were added in the exercise to the five originally selected Service Packages (TI01, TI02, TI04, TI05 and TI07) for a total of seven.
Review Module Outcomes RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Review Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Roles & Responsibilities Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Roles & Responsibilities Tab Be able to modify information on the Roles & Responsibilities Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You have completed Module 7: Roles & Responsibilities Tab You are now able to: Explain how to access the Roles & Responsibilities Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Roles & Responsibilities Tab Be able to modify information on the Roles & Responsibilities Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen.