PEERS: Pennsylvania Educator Effectiveness Rating System Awareness of PEERS Sample Screen Shots from PEERS
Free, voluntary, web-based tool for LEAs Introduction to peers Free, voluntary, web-based tool for LEAs Used for summative evaluation of: Classroom teachers (PDE 82-1) Non-teaching professionals (PDE 82-3) Principals/school leaders (PDE 82-2) Provided by PDE through SAS® EVAAS® The Pennsylvania Department of Education has contracted with SAS® EVAAS® to provide the web-enabled Pennsylvania Educator Effectiveness Rating System (PEERS). Participation is free and voluntary for all LEAs! PEERS will allow all administrators and teachers across the state to view their evaluation metrics, and to capture and store this information electronically as well as obtain a printable version (PDF). The system will pre- populate ACT 82 forms for educators with data from PIMS and allow evaluators to input final ratings for each evaluation component. Additionally, the forms can be designated by the LEA to individuals who are responsible for the evaluation process.
Can use the entire system or components of the PEERS Introduction to peers Intended to be used alone – OR – in combination with other tools an LEA may use to manage the supervision and evaluation process Can use the entire system or components of the PEERS Available March 1, 2015 PEERS can be used alone, in lieu of the PDE Excel documents (forms 82-1, 82-2, and 82-3). Or, PEERS can be used in combination with other tools your LEA may employ to manage the entire supervision and evaluation process. LEAs can use the entire system or specific components of the PEERS.
Hosted within existing PVAAS web application Peers: what it is Hosted within existing PVAAS web application Uses existing PVAAS account system Aligned to PDE 82-1, 82-2, 82-3 .xls documents: Forms pre-populated with certain fields Aggregation of forms/final ratings provided Manages “back end” of supervision/ evaluation process Final Summative Rating forms PEERS will be hosted within the existing PVAAS application, which already provides district, school and teacher value-added reports as well as the verification mechanism for student-teacher linkages by teachers and principals. Users will access PEERS using the existing PVAAS account system, through accounts that currently exist for users or through new accounts that are created locally. Secure access is available to final summary rating reports (82-1, 82-2, 82-3). Altogether, PEERS will include evaluation metrics for: Observation & Practice Observation/Evidence Building-level data or the School Performance Profile (SPP) Elective Data or Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Teacher-specific data Correlation/Relationship data PEERS is designed to manage the “back end” of the supervision and evaluation process: the final summative rating forms, PDE 82-1, 82-2, and 82-3. Important: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information provided in PVAAS. User accounts are intended for one user. Each person should have his/her own PVAAS user account.
Manage the “front end” of the supervision process Peers: what it isn’t PEERS Does Not: Manage the entire supervision and evaluation process, from scheduling observations to data collection, rubric assessments, etc. Manage the “front end” of the supervision process It’s important to note that PEERS does not manage the entire supervision & the evaluation process. PEERS will not manage the “front end,” which would include scheduling observations, collecting observation data, self-assessment rubrics, etc. As mentioned earlier, your LEA may employ another tool/tools to manage the front end piece, and use that in conjunction with PEERS. Instead, PEERS focuses on the final step – the evaluation portion of the process.
Forms PDE 82-1 & 82-3: PEERS Will: Features: PDE 82-1 & 82-3 Teaching professionals & non-teaching professionals Forms PDE 82-1 & 82-3: Teaching Professionals & Non-Teaching Professionals PEERS Will: Default each person’s form (as per position code in PIMS), with flexibility to change per LEA decision Use info from PIMS to pre-populate: Demographic information District name, school name, educator name, PPID SPP (School Performance Profile) With flexibility to decide which SPP to use Pre-populate PVAAS 3-year rolling average on 0-3 scale when available Forms PDE 82-1 & 82-3: Information submitted in PIMS by your LEA will be used to pre-populate forms in PEERS. The PIMS position code will govern which form is used by default. However, the system is also designed with flexibility so that you, as the LEA, can change that if necessary. PIMS will also be used to prepopulate demographic information to save LEAs time – including the district name, school name, educator name, and PPID. Please note: It is an LEA decision to determine the appropriate form (82-1, 82-2, 82-3PDE) for the summative evaluation of professional employees in the various roles within an LEA, as defined and guided by Pennsylvania Rules and Regulations, Title 22 (22 PA. Code CH. 19). For purposes of this online tool, PDE provided a crosswalk of each staff role submitted into PIMS by LEAs to one of the forms (82-1, 82-2, 82-3) for the purpose of pre-assigning one of the three rating forms to as many LEA staff as possible and saving time for LEAs, with the understanding that LEAs adjust/change to the appropriate rating form as determined necessary by the LEA. PEERS will pre-populate the SPP as well as the teacher-specific component for the PVAAS 3-year rolling average when available. LEAs may choose whether to use the current or prior year of available data.
Features: PDE 82-2 principal/ administrator rating form Form PDE 82-2: Principal/Administrator Rating Form PEERS Will: Default each person’s form (as per position code in PIMS), with flexibility to change per LEA decision Use info from PIMS to pre-populate: Demographic information District name, school name, educator name, PPID SPP (School Performance Profile) With flexibility to decide which SPP to use 15% Correlation/Relationship Available in PVAAS: Conversion of single-year PVAAS scores converted to 0-3 scale Form PDE 82-2: Again, the PIMS position code submitted by your LEA will govern which form is used by default; however, you as the LEA may change that if necessary. PIMS will also be used to prepopulate demographic information and the SPP will also be pre-populated. 15% correlation/relationship – Available in PVAAS: Conversion of single-year PVAAS scores converted to 0-3 scale
More Features: all forms (82-1, 82-2, 82-3) All Forms: PDE 82-1, 82-2, & 82-3 PEERS Will: Allow multiple users to complete an individual’s rating form, with “lock” capabilities Provide on-screen guidance for form population Allow access of up to 5 years of evaluation data (archived by SAS EVAAS beyond 5 years) Provide alerts for data entry errors Provide opportunity for district/building evaluators to view summative reports for analysis purposes More than one evaluator may have access to an individual’s rating form during the input phase in developing the summative report. The system is designed with a “lock” feature: users input information into the forms one at a time, eliminating the danger of overriding one another’s changes. The system provides on-screen guidance, including data entry flags and cues to check for data entry errors.
Let’s Look at PEERS!
2 1 Description: This view is the entrance to the PEERS. As an evaluator, I would see the list of educators assigned to me for a given school year. This list can be filtered by parameters such as school year and form type. Each educator is a separate row and their created forms are described in various stages. 1 – For this educator, I could add another evaluation such an “Annual, 82-2.” I could also remove this educator if needed. 2 – This form is currently in progress and locked by me. There are various actions I can take in working with this evaluation form: Unlock – if my work is done and someone else needs to enter information then I would need to release the lock I am holding. Only one evaluator can edit at a time. Complete – if the form is finished then the Complete action will allow this evaluation to be released to the educator. Delete – I can delete the form if it is no longer needed or was created in error. Change Form Type – if for whatever reason the initial form type is wrong, it can be changed. Please note: It is an LEA decision to determine the appropriate form (82-1, 82-2, 82-3PDE) for the summative evaluation of professional employees in the various roles within an LEA, as defined and guided by Pennsylvania Rules and Regulations, Title 22 (22 PA. Code CH. 19). For purposes of this online tool, PDE provided a crosswalk of each staff role submitted into PIMS by LEAs to one of the forms (82-1, 82-2, 82-3) for the purpose of pre-assigning one of the three rating forms to as many LEA staff as possible and saving time for LEAs, with the understanding that LEAs adjust/change to the appropriate rating form as determined necessary by the LEA.
4 1 3 2 The forms in PEERS are designed to feel similar to the Excel documents published by PDE for the 82-1, 82-2, 82-3 while taking advantage of a web-enabled environment. 1 – Links to each section of the evaluation are provided so that you can easily navigate from one section to another. The sections are provided in a logical order, but you can certainly jump to any section you wish using these links. 2 – The gray box on the left hand side of the screen provides on-screen guidance 3- The actual work is completed on the right hand side of the screen. Some of this information would be pre-populated with data from PIMS for your convenience, but you’re able to change the information if needed. 4- The lock status bar indicates if the form is locked for editing. If you have the form locked for editing (as in the example above), you can choose to unlock it for other users. The lock status bar will also indicate if someone else has the form locked for editing – in that case, you will not be able to make changes to the form until that user unlocks it.
1 1 - The Observation and Practice section allows the evaluator to enter the 0-3 rating for each domain of the Danielson framework. The values on the right hand side will be updated automatically when a rating value is entered or changed. 2- The final value is shown in green once all of the ratings are populated. (You’re able to continue working on the form even if a rating value isn’t yet populated – but you’ll notice there won’t a final value shown in green until each rating is included.) Once again, you’ll notice that the final value will be updated any time a rating value is changed. 2
3 1 1- The Buildings section is pre-populated with the school assignment in PIMS for your convenience. It can be changed if needed, and additional buildings can be added. 2- The SPP is converted from the 0-100 scale to the 0-3 one to provide a final rating for this section. 3- If an educator is associated with a school that does not have a SPP, then the Observation and Practice value will be substituted. Note: The percentages in this section must add up to/total 100%. If the percentages you enter do not total 100%, you’ll see an error flag to alert you. Additionally, the total value (in green) will not be displayed. You can still continue working on the form, but you’ll need to correct the error before the form can be marked complete. 2
The Teacher Specific Data section will require the evaluator to enter both percentages and ratings for the applicable parts for each educator. Some of the percentages or other rules may be LEA-specific. When there is a rolling three year average for PVAAS teacher specific-data, this value will be automatically populated, as you see here. In the event that an educator does not have any data to support these 4 metrics, PEERS will substitute the Observation and Practice rating. Note: The percentages in this section must add up to/total 15%. If the percentages you enter do not total 15%, you’ll see an error flag to alert you. Additionally, the total value (in green) will not be displayed. You can still continue working on the form, but you’ll need to correct the error before the form can be marked complete.
The Electives section is similar to the Buildings one in that it allows you to enter a single value or multiple values. The rules for how these electives are used in the evaluation is based on Act 82 legislation and regulations. In the event that there are no elective ratings, the Observation and Practice value will be substituted.
The summary section is the accumulation of all the previous sections and ratings. This view is not editable but allows the educator and evaluator to see how the sections combine to produce the performance rating. (If you need to edit any sections of the form, you can navigate using the links at the top of the page, or the pencil icons indicated above.) This rating is assigned based on the total earned points out of three. The form is printable at this point, or it can be saved. The next slide shows the signature area. If you need to edit a section, you can access it quickly using the pencil icon here.
Bottom half of the summary form including signature section.
PEERS: 82-1, 82-2, and 82-3 PEERS includes web-enabled versions of the 82-1, 82-2, and 82-3 The screen shots included in these demo slides reflect the 82-1 LEAs can expect a similar process, set of rules, and screens for the 82-2 and 82-3 – available in the release of PEERS on March 1, 2015
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