Learning to Hate What God Hates Proverbs 6:16-19
The First Object Of God’s Hatred Is The Sin Of PRIDE (Prov. 6:17) Why Does God Hate Haughty Eyes Or A Proud Look? Because It Presents A Person As Self Sufficient Because It Presents A Person Viewing Others With Contempt Learning to Hate What God Hates Proverbs 6:16-19
God Hates “A Lying Tongue” (Prov. 6:17) Because God Is A God Of Truth. Because Sin Originates With Satan. Scripture Commands That We Not Lie. Learning to Hate What God Hates Proverbs 6:16-19
God Hates “Hands That Shed Innocent Blood “ (Prov. 6:17) God Hates “A Heart That Deviseth Evil Purpose” (Prov. 6:18) God Hates “Feet That Are Swift In Running To Do Evil” (Prov. 6:18) God Hates “A False Witness That Speaketh Lies” (Prov. 6:19) God Hates “One Who Spreads Strife Among Brethren” (Prov. 6:19) Learning to Hate What God Hates Proverbs 6:16-19
Do You Have Qualities In Your Life That God Hates? Are You Willing To Change Your Life And Submit To Him?