The quantitative data derived from the p charts allows comparative analysis and supports boards to see where they stand relative to other providers. Funnel plot analysis of the p charts reveals statistically significant differences between boards. These differences are not simply due to “good” or “bad” but may also be related to other factors such as the degree to which a board promotes and uses PO and the effect this may have on sample composition.
NHS Highland Dec 15 -Feb 16: what’s good?
NHS Highland Dec 15 - Feb 16: what’s could be improved?
NHS Highland Dec 15 – Feb 16: how are people feeling?
Wishaw Maternity: no. of +ve stories
Lanarkshire Maternity Services: what’s good? Comparison of maternity service provided by two different territorial boards. Here is “Whats good?” about their maternity service in board C.
Lanarkshire Maternity Service: what could be improved? Here’s “What could be improved?” about the same service. How critical are these improvements? How urgent? The “feelings” will help us to discern…….
Lanarkshire Maternity Services: how are people feeling? They are fine! Leave them to get on with it and focus your improvement resource somewhere else that needs more help! This concurs with the spc chart data which shows that they have an 80% positive story rate, which is pretty good.
Ex no. of +ve stories Maternity service in board A for comparison. Different themes.
What’s good? Maternity service in board A for comparison. Different themes.
What could be improved? Again, different themes to board C
How are people feeling? Clearly there is variation in the quality of service being provided by these two comparable services.
We are looking at novel ways to display PO data to make it easier to see at a glance where you need to focus attention. Because of the quality and quantity of data on PO, and the way its organised, there are lots of options. This is a map of a health board area showing red, green and grey dots associated with the services stories are being told about on PO. At a glance you can see where the hot spots are and where the bright spots are. So, overall message. There is some very useful and powerful data in Patient Opinion….. We can use it to generate quantitative and qualitative data that is close to real-time and extremely useful to help boards / teams identify improvement opportunities. It can also be used to support the day to day measurement and monitoring of quality and safety locally and nationally. Up front / forewarned