Haynie & Lyon A Peek At The Week Nov. 5th-9th A Peek At What We Are Learning Spelling Words Pattern – ai/ay tail main wait raise paint brain stay away play today Reading We will be reading Bremen Town Musicians Grammar We will work on Dialogues & Plays, Character Traits Adjective & Adverbs Math We will be adding 2 digit numbers with regrouping and counting coin combinations up to 99 cents Science We are learning about Rocks & Minerals Social Studies We will be learning about Government spending Nov. 2- Early release @ 1:00, end of six weeks Nov. 5-3rd Six Weeks begins Nov. 5-9 Book Fair Nov 9- Thanksgiving Feast lunch Nov. 9 Veteran’s Day Assembly Nov. 19-23-Thanksgiving Break **PENNY WAR IS UNDER WAY!! Send your spare change. What’s Happening At Everett! Don’t forget to sign your PAWS folder weekly and Record the number of pages read in their reading log.