By: Travis Phillips ©Big Dog Education World Wide Zoo Project By: Travis Phillips ©Big Dog Education
Welcome Aboard Welcome to the BIG DOG World Wide Zoo team! You and your partners have been asked to create an online zoo. Each person will be given 1 of the 7 continents and research the animals that reside there. Using PowerPoint, you will expose those exotic creatures to the rest of the world.
Each Continent Needs A cover Page—Name of the Continent/Your name 5 Categories: Amphibians, Birds, Invertebrates, Mammals and Reptiles Each Category: 2 animals each Each Animal=1 Slide, 2 pictures and 5 sentences Sources: Copy/Paste all links used to 1 slide at the end of presentation
Steps to Success Divide the Continents between group members Research and put together your PowerPoint Create a website using or and post everyone’s PowerPoint Show your work off to the class
Grades Cover Page 10Pts 10 content slides 50Pts 2 Pictures each slide 10Pts 5 Sentences each slide 10Pts Sources Page 10Pts Website 10Pts Show to class 5Pts Extra Credit
Review 12 total slides 1 cover slide 10 content slides 1 Source slide 1 Website—post all continents Show to the class
EXAMPLE: North America The Mutt Dog The mutt is very common in North America. They come in all shapes and sizes. Most dogs enjoy outdoor activities. Dogs kept indoors and outdoors adjust to the environment. Generally speaking, dogs living indoors face less risk and on average live longer.