UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Origins of the modern world Renaissance and Protestant Reformation Age of Discovery Age of Absolutism Beginning 2/10 Factors for Ex.. Trade comparing Factors for Exploration WHII 4a,4b The competition to dominate the Spice Trade and the beginning of the Atlantic Sea Trade. 2/10 Islamic Empires WHII 5a, 5b Explorers 2/11 Economic Expansion 2/11 Pamphlet Project Identifying Cultural Ex. Analyzing 2/12 Analyzing European Cultural Expansion WH II 4c, 5c 2/12 Islamic Empires 2/13 Islamic Em. Map European Explorers WHII 4a 2/14 Jeopardy Review 2/15 Unit Test European Economic Expansion WH II 4d 4e, 4f , 5d, 5e Identify Characterize Compare/Contrast Paraphrase Why were the Europeans interested in discovering new lands and markets? Who were some of the important explorers? How did expansion of European empires into the Americas, Africa, and Asia affect religion in those areas? What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange between European and indigenous cultures? What was the Triangular Trade?
UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Origins of the modern world Renaissance Age of Discovery Age of Absolutism Map of S.E.A. Trade Factors for Exploration WHII 4a,4b 8, 10, 13 ,15, 17, 18 ,22, 23,35, 12. 19, 21 The competition to dominate the Spice Trade and the beginning of the Commercial Revolution Islamic Empires 5a, 5b 9 ,29, 31 Trade Routes Explorers Lincing Vocab European Cultural Expansion WH II 4c, 5c 25, 26, 34, 14, 16 Framing Routine European Explorers WHII 4a 8, 10, 13 ,15, 17, 18 ,22, 23,35 Pamphlet Project European Economic Expansion WH II 4d 4e, 4f , 5d, 5e 28, 30,7, 27, 33, 11, 32 3,6, 1, 2, 4 Identify Characterize Compare/Contrast Paraphrase Why were the Europeans interested in discovering new lands and markets? Who were some of the important explorers? How did expansion of European empires into the Americas, Africa, and Asia affect religion in those areas? What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange between European and indigenous cultures? What was the Triangular Trade?
Factors for Exploration NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Age of Discovery European Explorers Factors for Exploration The competition to dominate the Spice Trade and the beginning of the Atlantic Sea Trade Beginning identifying G- The fall of ____________led the European countries to find sea routes to the ___________ Identify each on the map Routes-Columbus, da Gama, Magellen, Drake, Cartier Conquistadors-Empires Conquered by Cortez and Incas Places –East and West Indies
Age of Discovery European Economic Expansion WH II 4d 4e, 4f , 5d, 5e NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Age of Discovery European Economic Expansion WH II 4d 4e, 4f , 5d, 5e European Economic Expansion WH II 4d 4e, 4f , 5d, 5e analyzing The competition to dominate the Spice Trade and the beginning of the Atlantic Sea Trade Africans were considered better adjusted to the New World _________ and were also already immune to European __________. _________ were dying by the thousands and were unreliable as workers on the large plantations. Ex. Ex. Triangular Trade The Commercial Revolution-World Wide Trade involving all major continents Ex.
European Cultural Expansion NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Age of Discovery European Cultural Expansion WH II 4c, 5c analyzing The competition to dominate the Spice Trade and the beginning of the Atlantic Sea Trade Old World Plants- New World Plants- Old World Animals- New World Animals Old World Diseases- New World Diseases The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and culture from the Old World and New World New World products such as the __________ and __________ helped increase world wide population. Old World diseases such as ___________ devastated the Native American population. New World disease _________ caused problems with noble families in Europe leading to squabbles over succession.