Infant Support Evening 2nd October 2018
Please look on the school website to find a copy of this power point.
General Expectations for all Read at home at least three times per week. Please comment or sign the diary every time you read. Support your child with their homework task each week. Please check and empty your child’s book bag daily for letters and homework, pictures etc… General Expectations for all Don’t put water bottles in book bags!
EYFS and Year 1 Expectations Support your child to learn to take turns and share. Encourage your child to dress and go to the toilet independently. Encourage your child to ask an adult for help or tell them if there is something wrong.
Please check your child’s book bag daily for letters, homework and spellings etc… Check your child has completed their homework task each week. Encourage your child to complete small tasks independently. National Curriculum Tests in May 2019 Please refrain from taking your child out of school during April and May where at all possible. Date for the diary: Year 2 Curriculum & Assessment Information Evening 15th January 2019 Year 2 Expectations
EYFS Communication & Language Literacy Please engage your child in conversation. Encourage them to speak clearly and effectively, in simple sentences. Model correct pronunciation of sounds and words. Ask your child to follow simple 2-step instructions. Let them do this independently. Ask your child ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. Regularly practise sounds and keywords of the week. See ItsLearning. EYFS Communication & Language Literacy
Year 1 English Year 1 Phonics Screening Check in June 2019 Practise blending and segmenting unknown words Practise with your child to construct sentences orally before writing with correct grammar Support your child to write letters which are accurately formed. Help your child to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.
Practise comprehension skills every time you hear your child read, for example asking ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, reading between the lines etc… Introduce your child to a variety of genres, such as poetry, newspapers, fiction, non-fiction etc… Practise weekly spellings at home for tests each Friday. Practise handwriting on the lines, keeping letters proportionate in size. Help model the difference between capitals and lowercase letters. Year 2 English
EYFS Number Shape, Space & Measures Practise counting reliably with numbers from 0 to 20, from any given number. Look for numbers in your environment. Help your child to write digits 0 - 9 accurately. Recognise common 2D and 3D shapes in your environment. Talk about everyday maths such as length, capacity, weight, time, money, position and distance. Play weekly maths games. EYFS Number Shape, Space & Measures
Year 1 Maths Help your child to write digits 0 -9 accurately Practise counting to 100 forwards and backwards, from any given number. Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes Talk about everyday maths such as money, length, capacity, weight and time. Year 1 Maths
Practise reading and writing numbers in words (spellings) and numerals Practise counting in 2s, 5s & 10s forwards and backwards from any given number Name and describe properties of 2D & 3D shapes Talk about everyday maths such as money, length, capacity, weight and time. Use standard measures such as litres, centimetres etc… Year 2 Maths
Other ways to help your children: Get a good night’s sleep Eat healthily Bring equipment to school (reading books, diaries, homework, PE kit, water bottles) Read DASH every Friday – be prepared for important events Refer to the school calendar for important dates See website for support & curriculum information Return letters or reply slips please. Other ways to help your children: