Do Statistical Analysis with Stata
Load data 1
Load data 2 use "D:\User_Data\Desktop\LaborDispute11.dta", clear
Describe data des Or des variable
Describe data
Tabulate tab female type, chi
Tab result
Recode variables tab v53 tab v53, nolabel
Recode variables recode v53 (1=0) (2=1), gen(female) tab female
Recode variables Sometimes you need to beware of the missing values. But, the missing value in our data has been coded with a specific number such as 8 or 9 or 98. Simply recoding them to “.” will do.
Bar chart Show the mean of “requestamount” by “type.”
Bar chart
Bar chart
Bar chart
Bar chart
Bar chart
Bar chart
Bar chart
Two-sample mean comparison test
Two-sample mean comparison test ttest requestamount == settleamount, unpaired
Two-group mean comparison test
Two-group mean comparison test
Two-group mean comparison test ttest requestamount, by(female)
Two-group proportion test
Two-group proportion test
Two-group proportion test prtest v12, by(female)
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