Cell cycle/mitosis Chapter 6
Why do cells divide? What does this mean?
Cell division: The big picture
DNA replication-the big picture (many steps, many enzymes)
DNA replication
Cell division in prokaryotes Called binary fission
The eukaryotic cell cycle
Interphase In the nucleus,
Sister chromatids are
Mitotic phase division of nucleus prophase metaphase anaphase telophase cytokinesis: division of cytoplasm division of nucleus
Telophase & cytokinesis
Cytokinesis in animal cells
Cytokinesis in plant cells
You have to know the sequence in order!
Let’s review so far. . . How many parent cells? How many daughter cells? How many times did the DNA replicate before division? How many mitotic divisions are there in each cycle? How many chromosomes in daughter cells? How are the daughter cells related to each other? Why? How are the daughter cells related to the parent cell? What are sister chromatids? When are they made?
Programmed cell death Called apoptosis
Then what happens?