Warm/up Journal Juan has too many commitments and is beginning to feel the effects of stress. He writes for the school paper, volunteers on the yearbook committee, plays on the basketball and soccer teams, and is working hard to maintain a B+ average. At home, he helps take care of his younger brother and earns an allowance by doing chores such as cleaning out the garage and taking care of the family pets. On weekends, he works at a local bookstore to earn extra money. Juggling all of his responsibilities has become more and more difficult. Now his girlfriend wants him to spend more time with her. What are Juan’s stressors? Which stressors, if any, can he avoid or prevent? How? Which stressors can he limit? How? Which stress-management techniques can he help Juan deal with his stress?
List ways you personally deal with stress.
Stress-Management Techniques Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Stress-Management Techniques Objective: Describe four stress management skills Main Idea: You can manage stress by learning skills to reduce the amount and impact of stress in your life.
The effects of stress are addictive, meaning they build up over time. Chronic Stress Stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control The effects of stress are addictive, meaning they build up over time.
Stress-management skills - skills that help you mange stressors in a healthful, effective way. Identifying what is stressful is the first step in learning how to manage stress. Avoiding situations that cause stress is the easiest way to reduce its effects If you are unable to avoid a stressor, you can try to limit the amount of stress you are exposed to.
Avoiding & Limiting Stress Use refusal skills If taking on a new activity will add to your stress, say no Plan ahead Manage your time wisely by planning ahead. Think about how stressed you feel before a test.
Avoiding & Limiting Stress Think Positively A positive outlook limits stress by shifting your perception and how you respond to a stressor. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs These substances will harm the body and cause MORE stress.
Handling Stress and Reducing Its Effects Practicing relaxation techniques Deep breathing, think pleasant thoughts, stretching, taking a warm bath, and even laughing Redirect your energy When energy builds up from stress, use it in a constructive way. Be creative or be active. Seek support Confide in someone you trust for an objective view or valuable advice
Positive habits help you deal with, prevent, reduce, and recover from stress. Adequate rest Regular exercise Nutritious foods Build resiliency
The ability to bounce back from adverse circumstances. Resilency The ability to bounce back from adverse circumstances.
Avoiding and Limiting Stress Avoiding stressful situation is the easiest way to reduce the effects of stress. USE REFUSAL SKILLS – Determine if you have time for new activities. PLAN AHEAD- Manage your time wisely. THINK POSITIVELY- You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control how you respond. Fig 4.4 (list one) ________________________________
AcTiViTy Create a Poster that shows… 1.One of your biggest stressors…. 2. The activity you perform to redirect your energy 3. List the body’s 3 responses to stressors on page 94. 4. Must be fully colored. 5. DO WORK THAT REPRESENT YOU…don’t just throw something together!!!