Great Expectations Chapters 40 - 49
Chapter 40 Abel Magwitch’s name alludes to a biblical character. How is this significant? Compare Pip’s difficulty disguising Magwitch with his observation about Joe in his Sunday clothes.
Chapter 41 Why is Pip ambivalent toward Magwitch?
Chapter 42 Why does Dickens choose to begin the chapter with a note of humor? What important story is revealed when dealing with Magwitch, Compeyson, and Arthur? How is Arthur’s hallucination significant now that the revelation about Miss Havisham has been revealved?
Chapter 43 How does Dickens continue to connect Magwitch and Estella? How is the scene with Pip and Drummle by the fireplace humorous?
Chapter 44 How does this chapter serve as the climax of the Pip/Estella plot? On what will the rest of the novel most likely focus?
Chapter 45 What important information is revealed about Compeyson and Magwitch?
Chapter 46 How does Dickens establish the character of Clara’s father without the reader ever meeting him?
Chapter 47 What can be assumed is part of Pip’s redemption? What information is revealed because of Wopsle being in London?
Chapter 48 Loose ends are beginning to come together. What does the reader learn about Molly? What is foreshadowed about Estella’s future with her husband?
Chapter 49 How is the fire (that destroys Miss Havisham’s dress) symbolic? Pip has a “childish association” when he decides to return to Miss Havisham’s room. What had Pip imagined he saw on his first visit to Satis House?