Psalm 33:1-5 ( Tune: Rise Up O Men of God) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 33A Music: Rise Up O Men of God, Aaron Williams Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. With glad-ness in the Lord, O let the righ-teous sing! For when the up-right give him praise, it is a fit-ting thing.
2. So give the Lord your thanks, with heart* your mu-sic raise; And with a heart-felt me - lo - dy* sing out to him your praise. * “Harp” was changed to “heart”; “ten-stringed instrument” was changed to “heart-felt melody” - chr
3. And as you sing and praise* your skill - ful-ness em-ploy. O sing a new song un - to him; with shouts ex-press your joy. * “Play” was changed to “praise” - chr
4. For up-right is the word the Lord has gi - ven us, And all the words that he has done were done in faith-ful-ness.
5. For he seeks righ-teous-ness, and all that’s just and fair; the Lord’s love is through-out the earth, a- bun- dant ev-ery-where.