Make a Difference Study Guide - Answers
1.Protest and persuasion marches, parades, picketing, vigils 2.Noncooperation, to do things normally done refusing to pay taxes, boycotts, strikes 3. Intervention, on going activity, sit ins and blockages of roads self inflicted fasting, hunger strikes
4. 1) Broad support – popular idea 2) show the world the opponent’s violence 5. It makes public opinion side with the nonviolent protestors, and the power of massive support 6. 1910, whites 7. Apartheid
8. apartness 9. blacks, whites, coloreds, and Asians 10. forced to live in poor “homelands” received poor education dependent on whites for low paying jobs no citizenship, no vote 11. Nelson Mandela, non-violence 12. He spent 27 years as a political prisoner for protesting Apartheid laws.
13. to liberate the oppressed and oppressor (free black & white South Africans) 14. He was not out for revenge. He knew blacks and whites both suffered and encouraged everyone to forgive and heal together. 15. Stopped trade, created embargos, and banned Olympic athletes 16. 1994, election, Nelson Mandela, President 17. South Africa, Apartheid
19. burning Passbook beaten & arrested Salt March mass arrests 18. racial discrimination, limited rights 19. burning Passbook beaten & arrested Salt March mass arrests 20. Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat, bus boycott, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 21. Tried to separate black and white schools, bathrooms, and seating areas. Often these were not equal conditions.
22. marches, boycotts, sit ins, picketing 23. Martin Luther King, speeches, passive (non-violent resistance) 24. The refusal to obey an unjust law a) I learned _____________________ b) I learned _____________________ c) I learned _____________________