Where? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RE7uC8QXjY
What was Apartheid? Apartheid is an Afrikaans word. If you had to translate it, it would be “Separate-ness”, or “apart-hood”. It was the system of racial segregation in the Republic of South Africa enforced through legislation by the ruling political party from 1948 to 1994. It was NOT just a separation between Europeans (whites) and Africans (blacks). It included segregation for other races as well, including Indian, Middle Eastern, etc.
Quick Overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f2k6iDFCL4
Some of the specifics: White and non-whites were not allowed to share public spaces. This might be familiar to you if you know anything about the time of Segregation in the U.S.
2. Non-whites were not allowed to own any land in “white areas”. Essentially they lost their homelands, were forced to split up, and lived in designed areas which would later become known as “townships”. These townships were not supplied with running water, sewage, electricity, roads, or public buildings.
3. “Passbooks” were created and made a legal requirement for anyone non- white to enter and leave white areas. It was a system of control and enforcement meant to “protect” the significantly minority numbered whites. If you were found somewhere without your passbook, especially after curfew, severe punishment followed.
4. Whites and non-whites were not allowed to have romantic relationships and/or get married. Friendships weren’t even considered, because if you were “unwise” enough to be friends with someone of another skin colour, you were considered mentally ill.