Building Interpersonal Relationship Managing Interpersonal Relationship Building Interpersonal Relationship Kamal Pradhan/ NASC 24 November 201824 November 2018
Interpersonal Relationship (IR) A fundamental basis of a person’s social existence A core part of managerial and professional role Determinant of managerial success and effectiveness Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
IR - Concept A pattern of Mutual behaviors towards one another. The underlying forces determining such behaviors, and their outcomes or impact for the persons involved. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
IR - Nature Positive or healthy leading to mutually productive, beneficial and satisfying outcomes. Negative or unhealthy leading to mutually defeating actions or bad feelings. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Dimensions of IR Interpersonal competencies Interpersonal orientations Interpersonal transactions Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Structural analysis (I) Parent ego state (P) (II) Adult ego state (A) It deals with the structure of the personality. A personality consists of three ego states. (I) Parent ego state (P) (II) Adult ego state (A) (III) Child ego state (C) Ego States can be identified by a person’s word, tone of voice, facial expression and by the response because ego state tends to stimulate certain ego states in other people. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Parent Ego State The Parent is like a tape recorder. It is a collection of pre-recorded, pre-judged, prejudiced codes for living. When a person is in the Parent ego state s/he thinks, feels and behaves like one of his/her parents or someone who took their place. Sub Ego States Critical Parent (CP) Nurturing Parent (NP) Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Adult ego state This ego state can be described as a person’s concept of life as thought by himself It is an autonomous set of feelings, attitude and behavior patterns which are adapted to the current reality. When in the adult ego state the person functions as a human computer. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Some of the Adult behaviour: The key goal in TA is to put Adult in charge of a person’s personality Some of the Adult behaviour: Questioning Thinking logically Seeking information Giving information Solving problem Seeking alternative solutions Giving and receiving co-operation Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Child ego states When a person is in the child ego state s/he acts like a child s/he once were. The Child is the part of a person that reflects life as it is felt. Two major forms of child state: The natural child The adopted child Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
General behaviour pattern Natural Child Adopted Child Spontaneous reaction Submissive Freely expressing Seeking sympathy the feeling Being excited Dependent on other Aggressive and violent Apologizing Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Ego Portraits People have favorite preferred ego state, depicted by larger circle in a diagram Parent Adult Child P A C
Ego States Behaviour based on dominant ego state(s) Constant ego state: over-dominant ego state excluding other ego states No ego state good or bad in itself: produces certain consequences Inappropriate use of ego states: interpersonal problems
Transactional Analysis A transaction is an art of communication or interaction between two people. A transaction starts with a stimulus and ends with a response to the stimulus. Since each individual involved in the group transaction that has three ego states, the transaction are between the various ego states. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Types of transactions Complementary Transaction: Both the transacting persons use only one of their three ego states Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Complementary Interaction, responses, actions regarded as appropriate and expected from another person. Parallel communication arrows, communication continues
Complementary Transaction A: What time do you have? B: I’ve got 11:15 A: You are late. B: I’m sorry, it wont happen again A A C C P P A A C C
Crossed Transaction: The response to a message either does not come from the same ego-state of the receiver toward which the message was directed, or is not received by the ego state of the speaker which originally transmitted it. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Crossed Transactions A: What time do you have? P P A: What time do you have? B: There’s the clock on the wall, why don’t you figure it out yourself A: You are late. B: Yeah, I know. I had a flat tire. A A C C P P A A C C
Covert or Ulterior Transaction: The actual or intended meaning of the message is different than what is literally expressed through the message. Since UT have hidden meaning they often, if prolonged, may transform the transactions into psychological game. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Ulterior Transaction Interactions, responses, actions which are different from those explicitly stated P P A: How about coming up to my room and listening to some music? A A C C
Life Position Analysis Life position comprises certain ingrained convictions about the worth of the self and others. I’m OK, you are Ok – healthy position I’m OK, you are not Ok – paranoid position I’m not OK, you are Ok – depressive position I’m not OK, you are not Ok – futility position Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
Principles of Transactions Use adult, nurturing parent and natural child ego states most of the times. Use complementary transactions Operate from “I’m OK, you’re OK” life position. Managing Interpersonal Relationship 24 November 2018
JOHARI Window: An Interpersonal Communications Model KNOWN TO ME UNKNOWN TO ME Public Arena Open Blind (spot) Bad Breath Salad Teeth KNOWN TO OTHERS Hidden Avoided Private Unknown Unconscious UNKNOWN TO OTHERS
When you share about yourself or self-disclose: KNOWN TO ME UNKNOWN TO ME Public Arena Open Blind (spot) Bad Breath Salad Teeth KNOWN TO OTHERS Unknown Unconscious UNKNOWN TO OTHERS Hidden Avoided Private
When you solicit or receive feedback: KNOWN TO ME UNKNOWN TO ME Public Arena Open Blind (spot) Bad Breath Salad teeth KNOWN TO OTHERS Hidden Avoided Private Unknown Unconscious UNKNOWN TO OTHERS
When you solicit or receive feedback and self-disclose: KNOWN TO ME UNKNOWN TO ME Public Arena Open Blind (spot) Bad Breath Salad Teeth KNOWN TO OTHERS Unknown Unconscious UNKNOWN TO OTHERS Hidden Avoided Private
JOHARI Window in Groups: Ideal KNOWN TO ME UNKNOWN TO ME Blind (spot) Bad Breath Salad Teeth Public Arena Open KNOWN TO OTHERS Personal Mastery: UNKNOWN TO OTHERS Hidden Avoided Private Unknown Unconscious