LEE © Gosselin & Kuban, 2016 Do you really want to lead this effort? Are you OK with being vulnerable at times? In front of your colleagues? Your students? Are you OK with having to “roll with it” from time to time? Do you have a faculty partner? A community partner? Is he/she wanting to collaborate with you? Are your respective roles clearly outlined? Do you believe your delegated duties are equitable? Do you trust this faculty peer? Community liaison? Can you list a couple of his/her strengths that could be valuable? Do you have a way to know when you have been successful? How could you measure IMPACT of this effort? For you? Your faculty peer? Your community partner? Your students? Could students join you in the scholarship — conferences and/or publications — of this endeavor? Could your community partner join you in the scholarship — conferences and/or publications — of this? Is there a way for this endeavor to sustain itself … even after your students and/or you leave it? What change(s) might you make should you decide to lead this effort again? Do you — plus your faculty peer & community partner as applicable — (likely) have respective administrative support for this endeavor? Oral? Financial? Have you discussed communication logistics between or among you? Have you brainstormed where this endeavor’s deliverable(s) might ‘go’? Do you plan to recruit specific students for this endeavor? How? What knowledge and/or skills do these students bring to this effort? As a group, what strengths and limitations do you identify? How do you think students might gain from this experience? LEE Will you permit any control of the process to your students? How much oversight will your faculty peer & you provide your students? How involved will your community partner be in the process? What check points — if any — will you implement in order to ensure progress? How will you offer formative & summative feedback? Will you allow students to fail? Then what becomes the contingency plan? Have you considered how / in what capacity(ies) this community partner will work with your students? Do you know what deliverable(s) YOU would like to result from this endeavor? Do you know what deliverable(s) your faculty peer would like to result from this endeavor? Do you know what deliverable(s) your community partner would like to result from this endeavor? Do you know what deliverable(s) your students would like to result from this endeavor? © Gosselin & Kuban, 2016