Analysis Function Block Matrix - a list of function blocks required for miniature, modular sample systems - a useful classification system for modular systems R.N. Dubois Dow Chemical 11/24/2018
A Classification System Analysis Class Service Division Function Blocks ----------> I. Gas Analysis 1. Standard 5-2000 psig 2. Vapourized 5-2000 psig 3. Low Pressure <5 psig 4. High Pressure & Temp. >2000 psig & >100 C II. Liquid Analysis 1. Standard 20-200 psig 2. Low Pressure <20 psig 3. High Pressure & Temp. >200 psig & >100 C. III. Steam Analysis Dimension (Group) : A Electrical Rating B Materials of Construction C Ultraclean D Toxic/Lethal E Other 11/24/2018
Architecture S5 Module (integrated sample system and analysis and other sensors) ASP T1 T2 ARP - DCS /control center - Need to know nodes e.g. PC's for maintenance, inventory control, etc. -PC based "smart" applets (industry wide standards) Interface Module LAN 11/24/2018
ASP Module ASP Module = A nalysis S ample P oint Probe 1st Isol. Bleed 1st Flt. Purge TT/TC Heater Block Zero Span Vapor PT/PC(up) Relief ASP Module = A nalysis S ample P oint S5 Module (integrated sample system and analysis and other sensors) ASP T1 T2 ARP 11/24/2018
ASP Module Example:- (low dead volume for gas/vapour typically 2.5 cc from tip of 10" probe to coupling exit) …..includes onboard… - sample probe - isolation valve - bleed valve - filtration - self-purge port - quick-coupling 11/24/2018
T1 & T2 Modules Line TT/TC Heater T1 Module T2 Module Heat S5 Module (integrated sample system and analysis and other sensors) ASP T1 T2 ARP 11/24/2018
S5 Module Block Purge Vapor Relief Dropout Colesce PT/PC(u) Zero Span 2nd Flt. Nupro Go Hoke Tescom Circo Veriflow others? S5 Module = S mart ample ystem Bypass Stream FT/FC LSV B & B Ana1 Ana2 GSS Bleed PT/PC(d) Prm. Mvr. Check TT/TC Heat S5 Module = S mart ample ystem (cont.) S5 Module (integrated sample system and analysis and other sensors) ASP T1 T2 ARP 11/24/2018
ARP Module Block Purge Bleed TT/TC Heat 1st Iso. ARP Module = A nalyzer R eturn P oint S5 Module (integrated sample system and analysis and other sensors) ASP T1 T2 ARP 11/24/2018
General Rules Within a Module, a Function Block can be used as many times as needed and in any order. Function Blocks can be built as sub-modules combining several functions on one block. Each Module does not require all Function Blocks. Some Function Blocks may be identical but serve different purposes, e.g. Block, Purge, Bleed. Underlined Function Blocks should be capable of being used as input sensors or outputs to a “Smart” diagnostic system. 11/24/2018
Matrix Philosophy There is no “standard” sample system design. This matrix model provides a macro list of Functional Blocks, capable of being fabricated by interested parties, which can be used to build a modular/field mounted/mix and match analytical system. Not all analytical problems can be solved by this model. The aim is >90%. The ASP Module is located at the pipe/process sample take-off point. The ARP Module is located at the piping/process sample return point. The S5 is ultimately intended for field (outdoor) installation. Immediate installations may serve in traditional settings (e.g. analyser houses) but in due time evolve to the field. Bypass Function Block will ultimately not be required since less sample is involved. The Validation Module provides QA/QC check of complete system operation via means of “smart” sensors and span and zero response checks. The S5 Module will be “smart” in the sense of being able to monitor F, P, T and initiate self-checking zero and span streams. (Refer to Smart Sample System document.) It will be self-diagnostic and predictive. The Validation Module should be a “standard”, non-vendor specific validation package. Function Blocks are intended to be Modular in concept i.e. plug and play and fit on a standard substrate (footprint) or bus. 11/24/2018
Matrix Philosophy (cont’d.) This matrix is classification system analagous to the NEC/CSA/CENELAC Electrical Codes, e.g. Class, Division (Zone), Group (or Dimension). It is a 3-dimensional matrix which provides a framework for classification of analytical components - both sensors and sampling components. The Interface Module provides data/diagnostical/analysis equipment control to the Control Center (DCS) and Need to Know Nodes (via Intranet/Internet). The Interface Module should provide a Standard/Global “fieldbus style” interface. The Controller Module allows setup and access from anywhere on the network (e.g. local to the apparatus or remotely). Ana.1 is a Function Block on the S5. Since this may take some time or be impossible in some cases to implement, a Function Block will be provided (Ana.2) to allow sample to/from an adjacent Analytical Module. Function Blocks should be designed for handling minimum amounts of sample decreasing the duty cycle on filters and other conditioning components. 10. The driving forces for this concept is simpler installations, faster delivery, more reliable data and ultimately lower costs. 11/24/2018
Sampling Engine A self-contained sampling device acting like a syringe. (X-proof). temperature and pressure control integral sample probe integral filtration isolation, bleed, back-purge automatic block, zero and span withdrawal and return of the sample from one location - no vent required supports the use of miniature analytical devices - a sampling platform! US Patent No. 5,736,654 11/24/2018