Short term secondment to BDCP


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Presentation transcript:

Short term secondment to BDCP Christina Diegelmann, State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg

Framework conditions of the secondment Political agreement in October 2011 before BDCP was actually created No specific mission 3 month full time secondment from January to March 2013

What we made out of it… Strategic partnership between Baden-Württemberg and Hungary Thematic focus on energy project Exchange of experience between BDCP and the Baden- Württemberg Danube Service Office Establishing various contacts between EUSDR actors in Baden- Württemberg and Hungary

Thematic focus on energy projects Smart Grids Energy Contracting Joint contribution to the development of the EPCDR project Preparation of a mission of Hungarian Experts to BW Assessing the possibilities of a project on demand response Further areas of cooperation in the field of energy

Lessons learnt Working together on a daily base is different than meeting from time to time at conferences Working in Budapest is different then working in Brussels Close cooperation over a certain time helps to better understand each other and to boost joint projects BW will take over the concept of short term secondments and is happy to welcome experts from other Danube countries

Thank you for your attention! Christina Diegelmann Ministry of State Baden-Württemberg Unit “Interregional and Cross Border Cooperation, European Strategy for the Danube Region”