What are the characteristics of light? How does light behave? I can explore that light travels in a straight line. I can record what I learn in my experiments about light. I can share what I learned with my class and/or teacher! I can make conclusions about how light reflects.
Light travels in a straight line
Reflection and rough surface Diamonds have lots of surfaces. A rough surface will send light in many directions but it still goes in straight lines
Materials that Don’t reflect well Anything that is dark Crumpled tin foil… why do you think so?
What does reflect light? Light colours: white paper! Anything shiny. What was shiny in our lab? What from our lab should’ve been the best reflector?
Words to describe how light travels Smooth surface: straight, one direction Rough Surface Our word: crazy Scientific word: irregular or diffused It still travels in a straight line, just in lots of directions
Journal How does light reflect off a smooth surface? Games When You’re Done Journaling How does light reflect off a smooth surface? How does light reflect off a rough surface? Which materials reflect light well? Which materials do not reflect light well? Google Search : Kids Love 2Learn.ca Choices: The Earth and Beyond – Shadows BBC: Shadows How We See Things
Reflection Game Google Search: BCC Kids Light Maze How we see things link Try to get the light shining on the objects Fill in your sheet