In order to Vote Students must read 5 books from each category in which they will vote Grade 5 will read 5 Fiction and 5 Non fiction Silver Birch Grade 4s will read and can vote in three categories by reading 5 books from each (Silver Birch Express, Silver Birch Fiction & Silver Birch Non-fiction)
In order to Vote Grade 3s can vote by reading 5 books in either Silver Birch Express or Blue Spruce Kindergartens, Grade 1s & 2s can vote by reading 5 books in Blue Spruce (We will provide this opportunity at school)
Categories Silver Birch Fiction Silver Birch Non Fiction Silver Birch Express Blue Spruce
Award Timelines In order to vote, the required books must be read before April 23 rd, 2012 Grade 3s, 4s, & 5s will be attending the Forest of Reading Celebration at the Powerade Centre on May 17 th, 2012 To achieve the Reading Awards books must be read before June 7 th, 2012 There will be a special Reading Awards ceremony towards the end of June
Bronze Award Gr 4 & 5 To achieve this award you must read at least 5 books from two categories for a total of at least 10 books
Silver Award Grade 4 & 5 To achieve this award a student must read at least 10 books in one category and at least 5 books in another
Gold Award – Grade 4 To achieve a Gold Award, students must read 10 books from two categories or 10 books from one category and at least 5 books in the other two categories
Gold Award Grade 5 To achieve a Gold Award, students must read 10 books from the Silver Birch Fiction and Non- Fiction categories or 10 books from one category and at least 6 books in each the other two categories
Super Reader Award In order to achieve this special award Grade 5 students will need to read all of the Silver Birch Fiction and Non-Fiction categories and 6 of the Silver Birch express. In order to achieve this special award Grade 4 students will need to read all the books in two categories and 5 in the remaining category.
Grade 3 In order to vote and to achieve Bronze – five books in Silver Birch Express To achieve Silver – read five Silver Birch Express books and listen to/read all 10 Blue Spruce books To achieve Gold – listen to/read all 10 Blue Spruce books and 10 Silver Birch Express books
Grade 3 – Super Reader To achieve this award, students should achieve Gold standing and read 5 books from (previous years silver birch) Mrs. Caldwell will help to locate these books
Grade 1 & 2 Bronze To achieve Bronze students must have read 5 books and be able to vote
Grade 1 & 2 Silver Read all Blue Spruce books and complete their booklet. – Grade 1 Read all Blue Spruce books and complete their booklet, plus two Silver Birch Express books – Grade 2
Grade 1 & 2 Gold Meet all the requirements for Silver plus Grade 1 – read 2 of the Silver Birch Express books Grade 2 – read 4 of the Silver Birch Express books
Grade 1 & 2 Super Reader Meet the requirements for Gold plus: Grade 1 – Read 4 of the Silver Birch Express books Grade 2 – Read 6 of the Silver Birch Express books