PMPN 14 / 15 th MEETINGS Prepared by Caro Hosier


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Presentation transcript:

PMPN 14 / 15 th MEETINGS Prepared by Caro Hosier 14 & 15 WLTP PMPN Meeting audio / web conference Rev 2: updated post 13 Dec 2012 mtg

AGENDA VALIDATION 2 ISSUES 06 Dec 2012 Post-test filter weights PM (Phil Price / weighing team Reference filter (Phil Price / weighing team) Tunnel Background (Les Hill / dilution systems team) Evaporation tube temperature (Caro Hosier / PN team) Regeneration – (Francesco / Thannassis JRC)   PMPN INPUT ON LAB-PROC ICE ISSUES 06 Dec 2012 – to be continued Effect of regeneration within an 3-phase cycle L-M-H? Did VP2 evaluate data for 3-phase cycle with separate xH Filter in regard to pm? What is the effect on Ki-factor in a 3 phase cycle procedure? Measurement tolerance of PN Measurement tolerance of PM ANNEX 6 DRAFTING ISSUES 13/14 Dec 2012 Preconditioning vehicle cycle ‘Equivalent’ PN background Max PN background threshold Regeneration Filter Conditioning before test Annex 6 section 1.2.10 Annex 6 section 1.2.11 Annex 6 section 1.2.12 Reference filter weighing

AGENDA continued ANNEX 5 DRAFTING ISSUES 13/14 Dec 2012 Preconditioning vehicle cycle ‘Equivalent’ PN background Max PN background threshold Calibration Guideline update timing Next meetings

1-0. Open Issues –VP2 Issues Discussion points Status 1 2 3 4 5 Post-test filter weights PM VP2 data - Phil Price / weighing team Teflo filters not examined. CARB use teflo and have 30 minute standard. VP 2 data supports 1 hour conditioning time post-test for filters on TX-40. PMPN Chair to communicate data / draft proposal to Japan for comment. 2 Reference filter CARB data if available 1-15 days proposed for rolling average as a result of VP2 data. 3 Tunnel Background PM and PN VP2 data - Les Hill / dilution systems team PN background: Further data to be collected and reviewed. PM background: proposal accepted subject to further confirmation testing re impact of regeneration 4 Evaporation Tube temperature VP2 data – Caro Hosier / PN team Data available from only one lab. No reported issues from instrument manufacturers. Proposal for 350+/- 10 deg C adopted 5 Regeneration investigations VP-2 Christos / Thannassis JRC PMPN recommends that PMP group is requested to include regeneration measurements with the investigations sub 23nm and a final conclusion is drawn from the PMP activities. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 4 4 4

2-0. Open Issues –Input Lab-Proc ICE Discussion points Status 1 Effect of regeneration within an 3-phase cycle L-M-H? Data ? Not part of VP2. PMPN agreed separate study must be discussed. Study could be designed to deliver answers to 1) and 3). 2 Did VP2 evaluate data for 3-phase cycle with separate xH Filter in regard to pm? VP2 data ? PMPN recommends single measurement. EU Com DG-ENTR supports (see EU WLTP positions Nov 2012). VP2 data inconclusive – but not recommended from uncertainty perspective to split measurements. 3 What is the effect on Ki-factor in a 3 phase cycle procedure? Not part of VP2. PMPN agreed separate study must be discussed. Study could be designed to deliver answers to 1) and 3) 4 Measurement tolerance of PN? (relates to 1-3 tests requirements at certification) VP2 Data –see document 14-05 PMPN requests more information on the tolerance calculations and how this looks when split by emission level 5 Measurement tolerance of PM? (relates to 1-3 tests requirements at certification) 5 5 5

13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 3-0. Open Issues – Annex 6 Issues Discussion points Status 1 Preconditioning vehicle cycle Is anything specific required for PM/PN ? Draft proposal: nothing specific required for PMPN 2 PN background max subtraction ‘equivalent’ to 2E+9 #/km Is the word ‘equivalent’ necessary ? YES measured in concentration and corrected to #/km via calculations involving flowrate, distance etc 3 Is this the correct value ? Background PN data required. 2E+9 #/km is 0.3% approx of todays EU diesel PN limit value. 4 Regeneration Is there a need to specify a minimum recommended distance post regeneration to rebuild soot cake ? 5 Filter conditioning before test Drafting options to be discussed CLOSED 13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 6 6 6

13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 3-0. Open Issues – Annex 6 Issues Discussion points Status 6 Annex 6 section 1.2.10 PM sampling PMPN final sign-off required 7 Annex 6 section 1.2.11 PN sampling 8 Annex 6 section 1.2.12 PM sampling 9 Reference filter weighting Japan questions need for rolling average. PMPN data requested to provide to Japan. 13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 7 7 7

13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 4-0. Open Issues – Annex 5 Issues Discussion points Status 1 Page 41 - Figure 15 redundant Page 41 - Figure 15: A recommended particle sampling system -  is redundant. Figure 7 page 37 with same under title is sufficient. 2 Page 41 paragraph  The Determination of the transformation time of the particle number sampling system is not reasonable for PC testing because of the use of a full flow CVS-system. 3 P 49 : The counting efficiency of the PNC should be monitored for deterioration with a limit of +/- 5% against reference PNC etc.. This limit is not scientifically sound because the demanded counting accuracy of a PNC is +/- 10% see paragraph Either  the counting accuracy of the PNC  in general is changed to +/- 5% or the PNC monitoring value has to be changed to +/- 10% 13/14 Dec 2012 Topics 8 8 8

5-0. Calibration guidelines EMRP activities (Hans-Georg Horn)   ISO activities (Hans-Georg Horn) JRC VPR RR final report Final report due Dec 2012 Calibration Guideline Document CSH to check copyright with Calibration Guidelines with AEA Technology (Ian Marshall) Related issues Impact of measuring during regeneration on stringency of calibration protocols Impact of PMP considerations regarding lowering 50% cut off below 23 nm Calibration Guideline update timing To be developed in conjunction with other issues All Calibration issues held over for discussion at PMPN session in Jan 2013

6-0. Next Meetings December 2012 Web / Audio conferences 13 Dec 2012 3-4pm CET to focus on issues related to DTP 14 Dec 2012 3-4pm CET to focus drafting issues and remaining DTP related items 2013 PMPN Major Activities Date TBE : Calibration / Calibration guideline issues (see agenda item 5) Date TBE : Planning regeneration and Ki mode construction study Date TBE : Follow up with UN-ECE PMP group re progress on <23nm 50% cut off Date TBE : Full review of Annex 5 and 6 GTR draft


1-3. Tunnel background - PN No PN background data available from VP2. Accordingly data being sought from manufacturers and other test laboratories as well as the PMP IL study RICARDO DATA 12m3/min CVS Matter PMP system (with PCRF) LDDs with DPFs Data from 20 to 30s logging prior to key-on of cold NEDC See background PN data above from some tests conducted over a 3 weeks period at Ricardo (not ILCE_LD data). No long-term impact of regeneration on background numbers seen (only one regen test though, probably partial regen).

1-3. Tunnel background - PN Source: OICA LD RR : funded by ACEA, executed by UTAC. Presented to GRPE Jun 2009 PN #/km Standard deviation Expanded uncertainty Mean Repet Repro URepet URepro 407 9.71e8 5.5e8 (57%) 7.1e8 (73%) 1.1e9 (113%) 1.4e9 (144%) Avensis w/o reg effect 3.60e10 1.4e10 (39%) 2.9e10 (81%) Background 5.14e8 3.1e8 (60%) 4.9e8 (95%) 6.2e8 (121%) 9.9e8 (193%) =>The relative uncertainties are comparable to those of the PM. =>The absolute uncertainties are in the order of the level of emissions. => Variability remains high ~150% compared to ~5% for CO2 or ~10% for NOx.

2.1 – 2.4. Sampling Method <conditions for Mode construction> Issues 2.1- 2.4 from lab proc ICE critical disadvantage advantage Pollutants sampling One bag / filter Each phase sampling Regional / Vehicle Representative No flexibility for different mode construction (regional needs and/or vehicle characteristic *) Possess flexibility for different mode construction (regional needs and/or vehicle characteristic *) limit / incentive / customer info. Impossible to set each phase limit / incentive and to provide precise info. for customer. Be able to set each phase limit / incentive and to provide precise info. for customer Flexible for future needs. Testing accuracy Secure PM measurement accuracy Impossible to compensate in each phase (Ki / RCB) Concern on PM measurement accuracy  allow one sample for L~H phase and one for eH or as it is Be able to compensate in each phase (Ki / RCB) Testing efficiency Testing burden to conduct multiple mode on same vehicle if necessary. Testing burden for Ki/RCB measurement  Ki : allow to apply H phase Ki for eH.  RCB : no compensation when RCB is less than [abc] %  Range : SAE shorten method × ○ *) Ex-H phase shall be exempted when vehicle maximum speed is less than [xyz] km/h or CP needs

2.1. Ki Determination ・ Enormal・LOW(g/km) DLoad (km) Ex-H phase Ki : allow to use H phase Ki As an option, allow to conduct Ex-H Ki determination Test without regeneration each of L ~ H - Loading cycle Test with regeneration Start of regeneration LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s 1 2 ・ n Sample#1 Sample#2 Sample#3 LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s PM shall be analyzed with one filter Under regeneration ・ Enormal・LOW(g/km) DLoad (km) (including test distance) End of regeneration LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s ExHのKiはフェーズHのKiを使ってもよい。もちろん、ExHのKiを計測することも認められる。 L~HのKiを求める方法は次のとおり。 まず、再生に入らない状態のエミッションを計測する。これは通常と同じ方法。 その後、再生が発生する直前まで走行し、各フェーズの走行距離を得ておく。 再生に入る最初のサイクルから再生が終了するサイクルまでの間、フェーズ毎にエミッションを足し合わせる。 その結果を受けて、例えば、フェーズLのKiについては、この表の式のように計算できる。フェーズMとHについても同様。 Sample#1 Sample#2 Sample#3 <Example of additive Ki factor for Low phase> Eregen・LOW(g/km) = ∑ Mregen・LOW (k) / DLOW *n Dregen (km) Ki = ( Enormal・LOW * DLoad + Eregen・LOW * Dregen ) n - Enormal・LOW*(DLoad+ Dregen) k=1 15

issue-1 issue-2 3-1. Summary of Applicable Test Cycles New Proposal If assume precon is same as base cycle- anything special required for PMPN preconditioning ? Letter Number Phase Class New Proposal L3 + M3 + H3 (+ ??) L3 + M3- + H3- L3 + M3 + H3 (+ eH3) issue-1 issue-2 34 Power* to Mass** Ratio (kW/t) L2 + M2 + L2 L2 + M2 + H2 L2 + M2 + H2 (+ eH2) 22 L1 + L1 + L1 L1 + M1 + L1 ~ ~ 70 90 120 135 Maximum Vehicle Speed *** (km/h) *) 30 minutes maximum power for Battery **) Curb Mass ***) 30 minutes maximum speed for BEV

3-5. Filter conditioning before test At least one hour before the test, the filter shall be placed in a petri dish protecting against dust contamination and allowing air exchange, and placed in a weighing chamber for stabilization. At the end of the stabilization period, the filter shall be weighed and the tare weight shall be recorded. The filter shall then be stored in a closed petri dish or sealed filter holder until needed for testing. The filter shall be used within eight hours of its removal from the weighing chamber .      PM weighing group leader to provide text on zero/span weighings. 27.03.2012 web/telconf.: Info to come. PM/PN has defined the term “Particulate Matter Weighing Chamber” in DTP-PMPN-10.10.2011 as “A chamber used for the determination of the mass of filters, and meeting the requirements of annex 3 section 2.” This reference will be checked.   8.8.2012 from C. Hosier: The OIL has two options : Pre-test: > 1h conditioning before weighing. < 1h between removal from weighing room & emissions test (<8h if filter holder is sealed). It is not sure whether the elimination of the 1 hour option was deliberate or unintentional. C. Hosier will check with the weighing team small group. Wait for validation 2. PM weighing team leader confirmed option was sealed filter holder only with maximum 8 hours time limit, selected for good engineering practice and to align with GTR-04. PMPN chairman to communicate this back to drafting co-ordinator.

3-9. Reference filters The comparison of reference filter weighings shall be made between the specific weights and the rolling average of that reference filter's specific weights. The rolling average shall be calculated from the specific weights collected in the period since the reference filters were placed in the weighing room. The averaging period shall be at least 1 day but not exceed 30 days.     18.05.2012 J concern: rolling average may lose some contamination. J position: should be compared with actual number, but anyone knows feasibility??? DC: reply to J that this is Euro 5 practice and is feasible.  CSH remark : PMPN recommended rolling average after long and careful discussions – individual measurements rejected by PMPN – this was due to be checked in validation 2 – VP2 data revealed that a too long rolling average period does not allow the rolling average to track changes sufficiently fast. PMPN therefore recommends to shorten the maximum allowed rolling average period down from 30 days to 15 days. Concurrence of Japan is requested


4-2. Proposed Mode Construction [ Baseline test - Cold start -] LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s exempt for vehicles whose maximum speed is equal or less than [xyz] km/h or CP option soak Sample#1 RCB#1 Sample#2 RCB#2 Sample#3 RCB#3 Sample#4 RCB#4 [ Baseline test - Hot start -] PM shall be analyzed with one filter LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s warm up Necessity of hot start test will be decides based on validation 2 results Sample#1 RCB#1 Sample#2 RCB#2 Each CP shall provide COLD/HOT weighting factor cold/hot weighting phase data phase data phase data phase data standalone Can be combined, as an option

4-3. Proposed Mode Construction [ Range tests ] Charge Batteries LOW 589s Charge Batteries Charge Batteries MIDDLE 433s Charge Batteries Can be combined, as an option Charge Batteries HIGH 455s Charge Batteries Charge Batteries Ex-HIGH 323s Charge Batteries standalone exempt for vehicles whose maximum speed is equal or less than [xyz] km/h or CP option Cumulative Whr Sample#n * RCB#n Cumulative Whr As an option, allow to apply SAE method to get each phase Range for BEV Charge Batteries LOW 589s MIDDLE 433s HIGH 455s Ex-HIGH 323s Steady Speed Charge Batteries Cumulative Whr Sample#1 RCB#1n Sample#2 RCB#2n Sample#3 RCB#3n Sample#4 RCB#4n Cumulative Whr