CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature


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Presentation transcript:

CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 9th meeting - 18/11/10 Agenda item 4.2 Update on progress in the development of the EU post-2010 Biodiversity Strategy

BAP Final Assessment 2010 assessment of implementing the EU Biodiversity Action Plan - Adopted October 2010 Very comprehensive overview of progress at both EC and Member State levels. Report addresses four main policy areas of the EU Biodiversity Action Plan: biodiversity in the EU, the EU and global biodiversity, biodiversity and climate change, and the knowledge base; and its supporting measures: financing, EU decision making, partnerships, and awareness raising. Package includes The 2010 assessment of implementing the EU Biodiversity Action Plan Consolidated profile More detailed comparative factual assessment of progress at Community and Member State level. Updated Summary of Community level Action Synthesis of progress for each of the ca 150 actions set out in Action Plan. SEBI 2010 Biodiversity Indicators 2010 update of biodiversity indicator fact sheets from the EEA led project on Streamlining of European Biodiversity Indicators (SEBI). Country profiles National assessments on implementation of EU Biodiversity Action Plan.

INTERINSTITUTIONAL European Parliament resolution on the EU strategic objectives for the CBD COP10 Of 27 September 2010   European Parliament resolution on EU legislation aiming at the conservation of biodiversity of 21 September 2010 European Economic and Social Committee opinion on "Options for an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010" of 16 September 2010 Committee of the Regions opinion on the "EU and international biodiversity policy beyond 2010" of 10 June 2010 Available at

3 June - Stakeholder Consultation 23 June - Expert meeting COM and MS EM and STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION 3 June - Stakeholder Consultation 23 June - Expert meeting COM and MS 6 August - 22 October- Internet Consultation 16 September- Expert meeting COM and MS

6 Languages (FR, EN, DE, ES, IT,PL) 10 Weeks 2905 replies INTERNET CONSULTATION 37 Questions 6 Languages (FR, EN, DE, ES, IT,PL) 10 Weeks 2905 replies All the statistical results can be found in 64% were citizens Respondents from all MS except two 45% from France, 24% Germany

RATIONALE and ARTICULATION FOR SUBTARGETS Pollution Climate change Land Use Change /Fragmentation PRESSURES Over-exploitation IAS 1. Agriculture/Forests 2. Fisheries 3. IAS Halting Biodiversity loss SUBTARGETS OBJECTIVES 4. Nature conservation Restoring ES 5. No deterioration and restoration (incl GI) Global BD 6. Contribution to global biodiversity Will contribute to

Sub-targets designed so that: SUBTARGETS and MEASURES Sub-targets designed so that: Council objectives are reached Main remaining pressures on biodiversity are addressed Reasons for 2010 target failure are addressed Measures selected to: Reach the sub-targets Address underlying drivers Address reasons for 2010 target failure Possible elements under consideration

1. Agriculture Forests Elements could be explored very much linked to ongoing discussions on the future of the CAP AGRI Surface of agricultural land under BD-related measures. These measures being adequate to bring about a sufficient improvement of species and habitats, and enhancement of ecosystem services compared to the current state. Green 1st pillar of CAP, shift of ERDF towards outcome-based approached, mechanisms to facilitate collaboration amongst farmers under ERDF, promote genetic diversity in agriculture. FORESTRY Address publicly owned forests and all forests that receive EU funds under Rural Development. Address the need to have a management plan or equivalent instrument that contributes to a sufficient improvement of species and habitats, and enhancement of ecosystem services, compared to the current state. Promote use of rural development measures for sustainable forestry, foster innovative financing mechanisms to maintain and restore forest ecosystem services, include specific biodiversity related measures in management plans.

2. Fisheries Elements could be explored very much linked to ongoing discussions on the future of the CFP Target maximum sustainable yield, consider ecological sustainable yield and the elimination of destructive fishing practices. Management of fish stocks based on MSY, develop long term management plans, better integrate fisheries management in marine Natura 2000 areas, establish transitional measures such as stewardship of the sea.

3. IAS Invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment. Integrate biodiversity concerns in the Plant Health Regime, integrate biodiversity concerns in the Animal Health Regime, cover policy gaps by developing a dedicated policy instrument to combat IAS.

4. Nature conservation Halt overall loss of species and habitats of EU conservation concern and achieve favourable or significantly improved conservation status of the status of species of habitat types protected by the HD and improvement of the status of all species protected by the Birds Directive compared to levels of current assessments Ensure ecological coherence, functionality and resilience of Natura 2000, ensure proper management and restoration of sites, including through management plans and a biogeographical region level mechanism, secure necessary financial instruments for Natura 2000, raise public awareness (campaign), promote better enforcement through specific training programmes, streamline monitoring and reporting, including a new EU bird reporting system.

5. No deterioration and restoration of ecosystems focusing on the restoration of ecosystem services through GI Ensure that no further deterioration of ecosystems occurs, that degraded ecosystems are restored in the EU, with a focus on restoring ecosystem services. Map and assess ecosystem services in MS, inc. economic value. Ensuring the non deterioration for instance by revising EIA and SEA Directives to enhance biodiversity proofing dimension. For restoration: deliver a framework to prioritise restoration of ecosystems, enhance and strengthen the use of green infrastructure in the EU (Green Infrastructure Strategy in 2011) and work towards a policy of no net loss.

6. Contribution to global biodiversity To step up the EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss in order to deliver on the headline targets agreed in the CBD COP-10 in Nagoya Address sustainable consumption and production, within the EU Flagship on Resource Efficiency, ensure resource mobilisation and effectiveness of funding and adopt a legislative proposal to transpose Nagoya Protocol on ABS, for adoption by 2015.

Link to CBD Strategic Plan ST1- Agriculture and Forest This would be linked to the achievement of targets T3, T4, T7, T8, T13, T14, T15 ST2- Fisheries This would be linked to T3, T4, T6, T10 ST3- Invasive Species This would be linked to T9 ST4- Nature Conservation This would be linked to T5, T11, T12 ST5- No deterioration/restoration incl GI This would be linked to T14, T15, T5, T2, T11, T6, T7 ST6- Global contribution This would be linked to T2, T3, T4, T16, T18, T14, T20

Some upcoming Integration opportunities CAP Reform CFP Reform Territorial Cohesion Reform White Paper on Transport Proposal for a new Multiannual Financial Framework, including the proposals on the different policy areas Resource Efficiency Flagship Initiative

Training in DG REGIO by EEB LIFE Focus Nature Publication (April 2010) GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Conference on Green Infrastructure implementation Brussels, 19 November 2010 GI Strategy – End 2011 Training in DG REGIO by EEB LIFE Focus Nature Publication (April 2010)

INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES Stakeholder consultation – 3 September IEEP study to support the Impact Assessment on the IAS Strategy: Conference on the Plant Health Regime Review- 28 Sept 2010 Revision of Plant and Animal Health Regimes scheduled for 2012 Reestablishment of the Working Groups of Experts Call for interest 21 October 2010 3 WG- Meetings Prevention- 8 December (60) Early warning and Rapid Response (EWRR)- 3 February 2011 (45) Eradication, control management and restoration - 30 March 2011 (53) Initiative in the Work Program of the Commission in 2012




IPBES UN Resolution for the Establishment to be discussed and hopefully adopted by the end of the year In 2011 operationalising - through 1st Plenary meeting of IPBES For 2011, COM may envisage contract « Towards an EU mechanism for independent, authoritative research-based advice to inform implementation and further EU biodiversity policy development »

Various deliverables already published ( Improve our understanding of the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB) and its links to poverty eradication Various deliverables already published ( TEEB D1- Policy Makers TEEB D2- Local authorities TEEB D3- Business and biodiversity TEEB- Synthesis of the approach, conclusions & recommendations of TEEB ( released in Nagoya) 22

TEEB- Study cases The EEA has prepared an interactive map to present the TEEB cases on local and regional scale.

More information can be found in: 24