Skeletal & Muscular Systems (14 min) The Muscular System Skeletal & Muscular Systems (14 min)
Your Muscular Body Your skeletal system provides shape, support, protection and allows movement but CANNOT actually move without the muscular system. Your muscles are responsible for every move you make. Blinking, breathing, running and lifting. Muscle make up about 40% of your body mass. More than 600 muscles make up the muscular system.
Muscle Categories & Types Two Categories of Muscles: Involuntary muscles Not under our conscious control breathing, heart beating, digestion Voluntary muscles Under our conscious control smiling, bending or standing Muscle is made up of muscle tissue. Three kinds: Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
Muscle Types Skeletal Muscle (Striated) Attached to the bones of your skeleton by tendons used for movement. Pulls on bones to make the body move. Voluntary – you control them. Biceps, triceps, and quadriceps.
Skeletal Muscle Muscle Fibers Nucleus Striations
Muscle Types 2. Smooth Muscle Located in the internal organs of the body: Stomach, intestines, kidney, and liver. Movement of food through the digestive system Movement of blood through blood vessels Involuntary – you don’t control them.
Smooth Muscle Smooth Muscle Fiber Nucleus
Muscle Types Cardiac Muscle Found ONLY in the heart! Has characteristics in common with both smooth and skeletal muscle: Like smooth, it’s involuntary – no control Like skeletal, it’s striated
Cardiac Muscle Nucleus Cardiac Muscle Fibers Striations
Muscles and Movement Skeletal muscles are held to bone by tendons. Tendons allow the muscles to pull on the bones and move the body - contraction. This causes the muscle to get thicker and shorter. Because muscles can ONLY contract they must work in pairs to complete an opposite movement, relax. Simulation – bicep/tricep
Biceps/Triceps Muscles Hinge Joint