Family Lingo Family Types Family Structures Marriage American Issues Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
FAMILY LINGO $100 A young adult who returns home often due to financial difficulties, difficulty finding a job, or just the high cost of living independently. “Boomerang Kid”
FAMILY LINGO $200 Residence where a couple lives near the wife’s family. Martilocal
FAMILY LINGO $300 Choosing a mate from outside of your social status/group. For example, Prince William (a royal) & Kate Middleton (a “commoner”) Exogamy
FAMILY LINGO $400 Choosing a mate that is not the same race, ethnicity, age, religion, etc. For example, a Christian woman married to a Muslim man. Heterogamy
Marriage, blood, or adoption FAMILY LINGO $500 Family is defined as “a group of people who are related by…” one of these THREE things. Marriage, blood, or adoption
FAMILY TYPES $100 The smallest type of family. Nuclear family
FAMILY TYPES $200 The type of family that consists of two or more generations… (sometimes living in the same household and relying on eachotehr for economic support). Extended family
FAMILY TYPES $300 The nuclear family that someone is born or adopted into. Family of orientation
FAMILY TYPES $400 Jane & Joe got married last year FAMILY TYPES $400 Jane & Joe got married last year. After five years, Jane gave birth to their first child. When they married, they created this type of nuclear family. Family of procreation
FAMILY TYPES $500 A network of people who are related to one another, this term includes ALL family types. Kinship
Inheritance or decent where the family’s line, property, power, etc. FAMILY STRUCTURES $100 Inheritance or decent where the family’s line, property, power, etc. is passed down from the father— usually to their sons Patrilineal
FAMILY STRUCTURES $200 Amber & Robert married in their hometown of Charlotesville. After their wedding, they moved to San Francisco to start new jobs. This is an example of this type of residence… Neolocal
When a couple’s residence is with or near the husband’s family. FAMILY STRUCTURES $300 When a couple’s residence is with or near the husband’s family. Partilocal
FAMILY STRUCTURES $400 Inheritance or decent where the family’s line, property, power, etc. is passed down through both parents. Bilateral
Family authority is SHARED between the mother and father. FAMILY STRUCTURES $500 Family authority is SHARED between the mother and father. Equalitarian
MARRIAGE $100 The marriage of one man to one woman. Monogamy
MARRIAGE $200 Polygamy is made up of these TWO types… Polygyny & polyandry
MARRIAGE $300 Examples of this marriage type were common in pre-industrial societies and still can be found among some cultures & religious groups such, as the Mormons. Polygyny
MARRIAGE $400 In LDC’s like Tibet, where land to pass down patrilineally is scarce, and there is a low population of women, we see examples of THIS type of marriage. Polyandry
(post-Industrialization) MARRIAGE $500 It was at THIS point in history that marriage’s primary purpose (in most cases) became for LOVE. Late 19th Century (post-Industrialization)
AMERICAN ISSUES $100 Temporary homelessness, often created by an event such as a natural disaster or leaving an abusive relationship. . Transitional homelessness
AMERICAN ISSUES $200 The ethnic group in the US most impacted by alcohol and drug abuse. Native Americans
Incarceration of parent AMERICAN ISSUES $300 The the two leading causes for single-parent families. Desertion of parent Incarceration of parent
AMERICAN ISSUES $400 The largest group of people making up the homeless in American society. Families
What issue in American society is DOMA associated with? AMERICAN ISSUES $500 What issue in American society is DOMA associated with? Same-sex marriage
POTPOURRI $100 A family where the mother holds the majority of the power. Matriarchy
POTPOURRI $200 George’s wife died in 2001 and he became a single father to his two daughters. In 2005 he met Sarah, who was divorced with a son. They married two years later. This is an example of this type of family. Blended Family
POTPOURRI $300 For most of human history, marriage has been for one of these purposes. Procreation, power, or security
POTPOURRI $400 This term refers to the number of people out of 1,000 who marry each year in a country’s society. Marriage rate
POTPOURRI $500 The first recorded marriage ceremonies took place here. Mesopotamia (in modern-day Iraq)