Business Presentations The Basics
Outline for a Business Presentation Introductions Speaker(s) Others in room, if needed Tell them what you’ll tell them Tell them Tell them what you told them
Slide Guidelines Plan on 3 minutes per slide 3-5 bullets per slide If use sub-bullets, have at least 2
More Slide Guidelines Have a message for each slide Make sure everything on slide reinforces message Graphics and charts are very effective Use, but do not rely on, color
Bullet Point Guidelines Use sentence fragments Edit your slides trying to eliminate words Start each bullet with same part of speech
Example Key Lessons Learned How to forecast so that don’t have stockouts or too much inventory Be sure to look ahead two years when planning production capacity Sell long-term debt for financing long-term assets
Example Key Lessons Learned How to forecast so that don’t have stockouts or too much inventory Be sure to look ahead two years when planning production capacity Sell long-term debt for financing long-term assets Start each bullet with same part of speech – verbs are especially good.
Example Key Lessons Learned How to forecast so that don’t have stockouts or too much inventory Be sure to look ahead two years when planning production capacity Sell long-term debt for financing long-term assets Now each bullet starts with a verb.
Example Key Lessons Learned Forecast so that don’t have stockouts or too much inventory Look ahead two years when planning production capacity Sell long-term debt for financing long-term assets Now reduce the number of words.
Example Key Lessons Learned Forecast carefully so that don’t have stockouts or too much inventory Look ahead two years when planning production capacity two years ahead Sell long-term debt for financing long-term assets Match debt and asset terms Leave the essence and talk to the detail.
Example – Final version Lessons Learned Forecast carefully Plan capacity two years ahead Match debt and asset terms
Comparisons Don’t Do This Company A Company B 400 Employees Founded in 1978 5 locations $2M in Revenue 20% ROS Three locations 10% ROE $1.5M Net Income Founded 1987 150 Employees
Comparisons Put like items side-by-side Company A Company B Founded in 1978 5 locations 400 Employees $2M in Revenue 20% ROS Founded 1987 3 locations 150 Employees $3.2M in Revenue 9% ROS
Comparisons Want people to immediately message What is your message? Best if don’t have to read Do not put too much information in a row/cell. If item is yes/no, use an X or check mark Avoid, at all costs, putting lots of words or sentences in a table
Comparison Example
Comparison Example
Comparison Example
Presenting the Talk Do not talk too quickly. Shoot for 3 minutes per slide. Do not read slides. Remember – no sentences Slides are your outline Face your audience.
Have Fun You know your topic best Have fun