Patterns of Development Essay Writing Foundations
Narration Story telling – recounting of events Based on personal experience or gained knowledge Writers often use to lead into a topic Usually chronological Concrete details Point of view Dialogue
Description Includes many specific details Emphasizes the senses by painting a picture of Sight Sound Taste Smell Touch Used to establish a mood or atmosphere May use emotionally charged language
Definition An idea must be identified before it can be discussed May lay the foundation to establish common ground Or identify areas of conflict Defining a term is often the first step in a disagreement or debate Then often analyzes characteristics that define the term or concept
Exemplification Provides a series of examples Turns a general idea into a concrete one Makes arguments clearer and more persuasive May use one extended example or a series of related ones
Process Analysis Explains how something works How to do something How something was done Examples: How to make bread How to set up an Excel sheet Directions to assemble a grill Self-Help books
Compare & Contrast Putting 2 things or ideas side by side to highlight their similarities and differences Often used to discuss Subtle differences Similarities in: Method Style Purpose
Cause & Effect Looks at how a cause leads to a result OR how an effect results from a cause
Classification Division Sorting of ideas into categories What goes together and why? Breaking down a larger idea or concept into parts