Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Chapter 7 Software Quality Control These slides may only be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) by Robert E. Beasley. Any other use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. Copyright © 2017 by Robert E. Beasley. 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) QUOTE: “ANY FOOL CAN WRITE CODE THAT A COMPUTER CAN UNDERSTAND. GOOD PROGRAMMERS WRITE CODE THAT HUMANS CAN UNDERSTAND.” Martin Fowler (Software Engineer and Author) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
What is software quality control? Software quality control is the process of ensuring that a software item is of acceptable quality. Software items include individual software components, entire software systems, and any related artifacts, such as analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance documents. One of the most important software quality control measures is the software review. Software quality control is an umbrella task that occurs throughout the entire SDLC. 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Table 7 1. Interactions between the purposes and focuses of software reviews 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the collaborative document review They are simple to execute They do not require training It is easy to determine when a review is complete 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the collaborative document review They must be done synchronously, which requires the coordination of work schedules There is no mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the code walkthrough review They are simple to execute They do not require training It is easy to determine when a review is complete 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the code walkthrough review They must be done synchronously, which requires the coordination of work schedules There is no mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the desk check review They are simple to execute They do not require training When performed before coding, they permit the reviewer to suggest alternative implementations of the code When the author and the reviewer are different people, they can be done equally easily over short and long distances When the author and the reviewer are different people, they can be done asynchronously It is easy to determine when a review is complete 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the desk check review When the reviewer is also the author of the code, it may be difficult for him or her to be objective There is no mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the email pass-around review They are simple to execute They do not require training They can be done equally easily over short and long distances It is easy to include additional reviewers in the review process They can be done asynchronously 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the email pass-around review If too many people become involved in the review process, they can devolve into an unreadable mass of comments, replies, and examples It is difficult to manage multiple reviews at the same time It is difficult to determine when a review is complete There is no mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the over-the-shoulder review They are simple to execute They do not require training They can be done over long distances using document sharing systems, conferencing systems, desktop sharing applications, and so on There is a mechanism in place to ensure that minor required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the over-the-shoulder review It may be difficult for the reviewer to be objective in the presence of the author They must be done synchronously, which requires the coordination of work schedules There is no mechanism in place to ensure that major required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the pair-programming review They are simple to execute They do not require training Since the reviewer is so close to the code, he or she has a detailed understanding of it They permit the reviewer to suggest alternative implementations of the code They promote knowledge transfer between software engineers There is a mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made (i.e., teammate) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the pair-programming review Since the reviewer is so close to the code, it may be difficult for him or her to be objective Since it takes the continuous full-time attention of a second software engineer, it is very costly—at least in the short term They must be done synchronously, which requires the coordination of work schedules 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Tasks of the tool-assisted software review process Gathering the software items to be reviewed Transmitting the software items to their respective reviewers Identifying the changes that have been made to the software items Displaying the before and after differences in the software items Enabling the reviewers to review and comment on the software items Collecting review metrics, such as the inspection rate (LOC/hour), defect rate (defects/hour), and the defect density (defects/KLOC) Permitting software managers to control and enforce the workflow of the review process 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the tool-assisted review They can be done equally easily over short and long distances It is easy to determine when a review is complete They can be done asynchronously There is a mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the tool-assisted review It may be costly to purchase or develop such a tool 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Phases of a formal technical review Planning (i.e., the software item to be reviewed is validated to ensure that it meets the criteria for a review, all quality checklists are created, appropriately competent individuals are invited to participate, the agendas for all the meetings are created, the overview meeting is scheduled, and all necessary resources are reserved) Overview meeting (i.e., the goals and rules of the review meeting are explained, the software item to be reviewed is described and placed into a meaningful context, all participants are reminded to prepare for the review meeting by inspecting the software item personally, and the review meeting is scheduled) Preparation (i.e., the software item is inspected by all reviewers personally) Review meeting (i.e., the software item is reviewed as a group, any defects and suggestions for improvement are logged, and any statistical measures [e.g., number of defects identified, number of technical review hours utilized] are collected) Rework (i.e., any defects are corrected, any statistical measures [e.g., number of person days utilized, number of testing hours utilized] are collected, and the verification meeting is scheduled) Verification meeting (i.e., any defect corrections and improvements are verified) Follow-up (i.e., suggestions regarding how to improve the review process are articulated) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Responsibilities of the facilitator Inviting an appropriate set of participants to the review Scheduling the review meetings Reserving the resources necessary for the review meetings (e.g., rooms, technologies, refreshments) Setting the agendas for the review meetings Developing quality checklists for the item to be reviewed Insisting on advanced preparation by all participants Conducting meaningful training for all participants Ensuring that the agendas are followed during the review meetings Limiting debate and rebuttal during the review meetings Finishing the review meetings on time or when some predefined exit criteria is satisfied 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Responsibilities of the author Describing the background of the software item for the review participants Orienting the review participants by putting the software item into a meaningful context Walking the review participants through the software item being reviewed Pointing out the software item’s potential problem areas Reworking the software item based on the action plan mandated at the end of the review meeting 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Responsibilities of the reviewers Examining the software item before the review meeting to become familiar with it Inspecting the software item during the review meeting Pointing out any defects in the software item Making any suggestions for improving the software item Reviewing any revisions to the software item during the verification meeting to ensure that all required modifications have been made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Responsibilities of the end-user representative Examining the software item before the review meeting to become familiar with it Inspecting the software item during the review meeting Pointing out any defects in the software item Making any suggestions for improving the software item Reviewing any revisions to the software item during the verification meeting to ensure that all required modifications have been made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Summary report items Who participated in the various meetings What was reviewed What defects were identified during the review meeting What improvements were suggested during the review meeting What the plan of action is for correcting any defects and/or improving the software item What is being recommended (i.e., accept the software item, accept the software item with revisions, or reject the software item) What the plan is for follow-up 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 1. Formal technical review summary report (Part 1) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 2. Formal technical review summary report (Part 2) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Advantages of the formal technical review It is easy to determine when a review is complete There is a mechanism in place to ensure that any required changes are made 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Disadvantages of the formal technical review They require training They must be done synchronously, which requires the coordination of work schedules 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 2. Attributes of informal and formal technical reviews 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 3. Relationship between defect density and review scope 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 4. Relationship between defect density and review rate 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 5. Relationship between defect density and review preparation 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Examples of internal goals Increase the number of lines of code reviewed per hour by 20 percent Increase the number of preparatory comments made by authors by 50 percent Increase the defect removal efficiency of the review process by 20 percent 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Examples of external goals Reduce the number of support calls by 20 percent Reduce the number of defects reported by end users by 30 percent 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Requirements review checklist Ambiguous requirements (i.e., vague, unclear, confusing requirements) Conflicting requirements (i.e., contradictory, incompatible, opposing requirements) Inaccurate requirements (i.e., imprecise, incorrect requirements) Incomplete requirements (i.e., partial, inadequate requirements) Inconsistent requirements (i.e., variable, uneven requirements) Infeasible requirements (i.e., impractical, unrealistic requirements) Missing requirements (i.e., absent, omitted, overlooked requirements) Overlapping requirements (i.e., intersecting, redundant requirements) Unnecessary requirements (i.e., needless, superfluous requirements) Untraceable requirements (i.e., unattributable, unascribed requirements) Unverifiable requirements (i.e., unconfirmable, untestable requirements) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 3. Requirements review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
White-box test review checklist Arithmetic testing Basis path testing Condition testing Data Access testing Data structure boundary testing Initialization testing Loop testing 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 4. White-box test review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Black-box test review checklist Accessibility testing Build verification testing Combinatorial testing Comparison testing Compatibility testing Content testing Installation, upgrade, and removal testing Interface boundary testing Performance testing Recovery testing Regression testing Security testing Usability testing User-interface testing 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 5. Black-box test review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Construction style review checklist Comments Indentation Line breaks Naming standards Spacing Statements per line Vertical alignment 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 6. Construction style review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Construction principles review checklist Abstraction Command-query separation Defensive programming Expandability Fail-fast Keep it simple stupid Open-closed Secure programming Separation of concerns Variable scope 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 7. Construction principles review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Table 7 8. Personal review checklist 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software review process Defects are logged Defects are discussed by authors and reviewers Defects are corrected by authors Corrections are communicated to reviewers Corrections are verified by reviewers Reviews are signed off on by managers 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Opportunities of each uncovered defect Correct bad habits Learn from mistakes Learn new techniques Expand capabilities See the value of teamwork in improving a product Improve the quality of the software item under review 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Reasons why software reviews result in higher quality software systems Defects are identified and corrected Authors become more adept at producing software items that contain fewer defects prior to review The development process becomes better at preventing software defects that can be introduced as a result of process inadequacies 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 6. Relative cost of correcting software defects 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Figure 7 7. Origin of software defects 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Table 7 9. Variables associated with the defect amplification and removal model 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Table 7 9. Variables associated with the defect amplification and removal model (continued) 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Figure 7 8. DARM without reviews and where all remaining defects are removed during testing 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Figure 7 9. DARM without reviews and where all remaining defects are removed during operation 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Figure 7 10. DARM with reviews and where all remaining defects are removed during testing 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)
Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition) Figure 7 11. DARM with reviews and where all remaining defects are removed during operation 11/24/2018 Software Engineering: Principles and Practices (Second Edition)