20’s Politics
Sacco and Vanzetti Two immigrants jailed for six years followed by an execution They supposedly murdered two people in a robbery Many think they were being tried for being immigrants
Anarchism People who do not recognize a government Brought on by the fear of immigrants influence in the US
Red Scare A historical period when the country went through a violent wave of anti-communism Started by the influx of Russian immigrants fleeing the Bolshevik Revolution The government’s proposals were influence by the head of General Intelligence headed by J. Edgar Hoover.
Palmer Raids A. Mitchell Palmer deported many Russian immigrants. People were seized w/out warrants
Marcus Garvey A Jamaican born activist in NY. Started a ship company (Black Star Line) to take African Americans back to Africa to start their own country.
Prohibition The 18th Amendment which banned the sale of alcohol. This led to the rise of gangs and bootlegging.
Women’s Suffrage The 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote.
Warren G. Harding The first of three Republican presidents in the 20’s known for his scandals Ohio gang or Poker Cabinet Harding’s buddies appointed to cabinet positions Teapot Dome Affair Harding issued out oil fields to wealthy friends in exchange for political bribes. When this became public, Harding became ill and died.
Andrew Mellon Wealthy man who was appointed Secretary of Treasury under the 3 Republican presidents in the 20’s He gave tax breaks to corporations and wealthy people. He proposed government should not interfere with business
Calvin Coolidge Known as “Silent Cal” President during the mid-20’s He promoted big business by tax cuts and laissez faire attitude (hands-off)
Herbert Hoover Known as “Wonder Boy”. He believed in regulating business. He was president during the end of the 20’s
Dawes Plan A plan designed by H. Hoover to get Europe to repay WWI debt. Europe was unable to repay debt because Germany was not paying them. The plan gave Germany money to repay Europe which essentially went to the US