8th Grade Objective1.2
Objective 1.2 Explain behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to major chronic diseases and the methods for reducing the problems associated with common conditions (asthma, allergies, diabetes, and epilepsy).
Chronic Diseases Chronic disease: An illness which is ongoing. These diseases are also referred to a “degenerative” because they break down organs. They may be “progressive”, meaning the person will continue to get worse unless there is medical care. Today, these conditions often result from “lifestyle”: one’s behavioral choice, like food, physical activity and safety practices.
Chronic Diseases Examples Asthma: an inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed, causing difficulty breathing. People who have asthma sometimes have “asthma attacks.” These are usually solved with an inhaler, however sometimes medical attention is needed.
Asthma Give Me Five!! Smoking Living in a big city Exposure to smoke-filled areas Exposure to certain chemicals Exercise (too much or too intense) Strongly expressing emotions (crying or laughing too hard, yelling or screaming) Exposure to animals Exposure to poor air quality
Asthma http://kidshealth.org/kid/asthma_basics/triggers/allergies_asthma.html
Chronic Diseases Examples Allergies: a reaction of the immune system to a foreign and frequently harmless substance. This disease usually affects a person by causing a runny nose, itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing and a variety of other similar symptoms.
Allergies Give Me Five!! Smoking Exposure to poor air quality Exposure to smoke-filled areas Living in a big city Pollen/ragweed Exposure to poison plants Dust Exposure to latex Mold & mildew Bee stings/insect bites Exposure to animals
Chronic Diseases Examples Diabetes: a chronic disease that affects the way body cells convert food into energy. A person with diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels. They must pay close attention to what they eat and how much exercise they are getting. If blood sugar levels rise too much, insulin injections are sometimes required.
Diabetes Write ALL!! Poor nutrition Physical Activity Being overweight/obese
Chronic Diseases Examples Epilepsy: a disorder of the nervous system. It is characterized by recurrent seizures. Seizures are sudden episodes of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. A person with epilepsy must take medication to help stabilize their body and prevent seizures.
Epilepsy Give Me Five Exposure to certain toxic chemicals Head trauma Not wearing helmet while biking, skateboarding Drug use Birth injuries Not wearing seatbelt Exposure to triggers such as strobe lights