Hand-off Pre-Op OR Antibiotics to be given Planned surgical Procedure Significant medical history Family contact information Equipment needs Other issues (e.g., NPO, blood products available) Planned surgical Procedure Universal Protocol Planned anesthesia type Allergies Last voided Preop medications Courtesy of Tripler Army Medical Center. Adapted from OR Manager, April 2006.
OR OR Hand-off Procedure Irrigation Surgeon Plan and Preferences (where we are in the case) Anesthesia type Allergies Significant Medical History Counts Irrigation Medications Instrumentation on and off field Specimens on and off field Equipment needs Tubes, Lines, Hoses Procedure Surgeon plan and preferences (where are we in the case) Anesthesia type Allergies Significant medical history Counts Courtesy of Tripler Army Medical Center. Adapted from OR Manager, April 2006.
OR Team PACU Hand-off Surgical procedure (completed vs. planned) Anesthesia type Estimated Blood Loss Input & Output (e.g., straight catheter, foley) Allergies Medications (received intra-op) Significant medical history (e.g., contact precautions) Family contact information? Equipment needs (e.g., sequential compression devices) Other issues (e.g., blood products, anesthesia concerns) Courtesy of Tripler Army Medical Center. Adapted from OR Manager, April 2006.