Best Practice Guidelines Gateshead People Peer Education Team November 2017
We are the Peer Education Team We are experts by experience We have been telling people about cancer Why it is important to go for screenings What to expect when you go for screenings Helping make health information easier to understand
Professionals are asking more and more people with learning disabilities to help them make services better This is very important but it needs to be done well If not done in the right way people may feel used and devalued
The Learning Disability Network asked us to develop Best Practice Guidelines and a Checklist so they can involve people well in their projects
We talked to lots of groups across the region “I have a laugh, joining in, being part of the group”. “We want to be treated equally, like human beings”. “I talk more in this group. I’m comfortable to be myself.” “Talk to us, not our support workers or Mam’s”. We talked to lots of people across the region They told us what was good about being involved in groups and projects We talked about bad meetings and good meetings We talked to lots of groups across the region
Real life experiences
Remember to give a contact name
Remember to make information easy read
Involve people in writing the script
Check the bus times
Use the Best Practice Check List