Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard Use this PowerPoint to support the delivery of the Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard lesson plan.
“Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes” What Does This Mean? “Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes” Working in pairs, ask students to share their thoughts on the meaning of this phrase.
((link to Ashleigh’s story and add play button)) Video clip (Click image to play video) ((link to Ashleigh’s story and add play button))
The Campaign Video’s Impact Why are videos effective tools to help charities raise money? What makes them memorable? How do they touch the viewer emotionally? In groups, ask students to focus on the impact the video Ashleigh’s Story has made on them. Ask them to consider the questions on the slide in relation to campaign videos in general. How do they motivate the viewer to give money?
Your Brief Create a video or storyboard ‘Why Fundraise for BBC Children in Need?’ Your video should: Raise awareness of BBC Children In Need’s work among young people in your age group. Working in groups, challenge students to plan and film (or create a storyboard for) an effective 30-second campaign video – ‘Why Fundraise for BBC Children in Need?’. Give each group a copy of the activity sheet Tips for Your Campaign Video or Storyboard and encourage them to use it for guidance. Make an impact on the viewer by using persuasive techniques, such as humour, shock tactics and developing empathy.
Video clip (Click image to play video) ((Illustrate with still from Spotacular Introduction and add play button link to video))
How Could We Raise Money? We could organise Sponsored Spot Challenges We could Wear Our Spots by dressing up or decorating everything spotty Talk with the students about possible fundraising activities. If you’ve already decided on your fundraising activities as a school, challenge students to think of ways to make the fundraising as successful as possible. We could Sell Our Spots by baking, making or buying merchandise to sell
Together We Can Change Lives! By raising money, we will make a real difference to the lives of children across the UK. Let’s try to raise more than ever before!