Please get out a Washington State History Book Open to pg. 110


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Presentation transcript:

Please get out a Washington State History Book Open to pg. 110 Railroads Please get out a Washington State History Book Open to pg. 110

Answer these questions in your notebook: What event ended the frontier era? How was it responsible for Washington’s huge population growth? Describe the federal government’s assistance to the railroad company. List some of Henry Villard’s achievements. What methods did the railroad companies use to get revenue from Federal Land Grants.

It brought people from the east to the west quicker and safer . What event ended the frontier era? How was it responsible for Washington’s huge population growth? The Northern Pacific Railroad connecting the East (Great Lakes) to the West (Tacoma) was finished. It brought people from the east to the west quicker and safer .

Describe the federal government’s assistance to the railroad company. Gave land grants to railroads. (Land was given to the railroad company.)

List some of Henry Villard’s achievements. Henry Villard worked as a journalist, reporting about Lincoln and Civil War. He raised $15 million to build a railroad. He bought the Northern Pacific and expanded the tracks to more places.

What methods did the railroad companies use to get revenue from Federal Land Grants. They hired agents to sell part of the land to businessmen and settlers in America and Europe. They gave instructions on how to travel to the Northwest. They provided cheap rail transportation to the Northwest.