Advantages during the Civil War Military South Fighting a defensive war Familiarity with terrain Shorter distances for moving troops, supplies Long coastline difficult to blockade Experienced military leadership meant the north would have to force the South to rejoin the Union
North Higher population than the south 22 million northerners 5 ½ million free white southerners Command of the US navy
85% of the nation’s manufacturing 70% of railroads 65% of farmlands Economic South: Hope that overseas demand for cotton would lead to recognition, financial aid, and military support from Europe North 85% of the nation’s manufacturing 70% of railroads 65% of farmlands
Political South: Belief that political support for southern independence would be greater in the south than support for restoring the Union would be in the north North: Strong central govt capable of carrying out a war Hope that the people of the north would lose support of a costly war South's new government lacked a strong central government due to the South's belief in states’ rights
Advantages for the Union Advantages for the Confederacy
Confederate Strategy Defend the South until the North gives up Ally with France and GB South needed them for the trade of cotton and protection This never happens though
Union Strategy Anaconda Plan 3 parts Blockade of all Southern ports Split the Confederacy in 2 down the Mississippi River Take Confederate capital of Richmond
Border States Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland were slave states that had not seceded In order to keep them in the Union, Lincoln promised to not interfere with slavery where it existed : Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri.
New Technologies The Monitor and Merrimack fought it out with no real results Signaled the end of the wooden ships New methods of warfare will cause a rise in the death toll Wooden ships to ironclad-steam powered with iron plating
New Technologies Minié balls replaced the cone shaped bullets These were more accurate These were made out of softer lead…effect? Soldiers could load these “Minié balls” quickly, without the aid of ramrods or mallets. Rifles with Minié bullets were more accurate, and therefore deadlier, than muskets were, which forced infantries to change the way they fought: Even troops who were far from the line of fire had to protect themselves by building elaborate trenches and other fortifications.
New Technologies The repeating rifle This could be fired up to 16 times before reloading
New Technologies New tactics included new marching formations and the use of trenches