Behaviour change (primary)
BNF Healthy Eating Week 2018 These four behaviour change techniques can help you meet your goals and ‘Make a change’ this BNF Healthy Eating Week!
What target will you set yourself? Targets Setting goals and tracking progress can help increase your motivation to keep up your healthy habit! What target will you set yourself?
Rewards Material or social rewards can motivate you to make positive changes for health. What reward would motivate you? (e.g. stickers, extra playtime, a special day out)
Nudges Making changes to how your school is organised and using notices or signs, can help remind and ‘nudge’ people towards healthier habits. What changes could be made in your school to ‘nudge’ people towards healthier behaviours?
How could a buddy help you to make a healthy change? Buddies Support and help from friends and family can make it easier to change habits. How could a buddy help you to make a healthy change?
Pledge sheet You could use the BNF Healthy Eating Week pledge sheet to record the healthy change/s you will make. Why not let us know what your pledges are and, in four weeks, whether you have kept to them? Tweeting us at @Foodafactoflife using #BNFHEW18 or email us at Download your pledge sheet here and.