Culture and Stereotypes I EDU 224 | Newberry College Picture:, retrieved 8/24/2010 Culture and Stereotypes I EDU 224 | Newberry College
Culture and Stereotypes I What is cultural competence? What is a stereotype? Why do we stereotype? When are stereotypes harmful? What’s happening at the U.S.’s first desegregated high school – Little Rock Central – today? What does this have to do with culture and stereotypes?
Before we begin today’s material, meet with your group. Review what needs to be done. Look at the material. Take stock of different group members’ skills. Brainstorm. Decide who can do what. Plan for meetings outside class – synchronize calendars.
Have you ever… Attended the church of another denomination? Another religion? Spent the weekend with a family of another race? Lived outside your town? Your state? The U.S.? Tried to explain the importance of something you find important to someone who does not share your background, beliefs, or goals? How about to someone who does not speak your language?
Looking to the future… More students will live in poverty. More students will come from single-parent households. More mothers will be working. African Americans and Hispanics (together) will be the majority. More students will be immigrants. Students will read less.
Cultural Competence …is the ability to work effectively with people who do not share your culture.
Cultural Competence Culturally competent educators… (1) value diversity, (2) conduct self-assessment, (3) manage the dynamics of difference, (4) acquire and institutionalize cultural knowledge, and (5) adapt to diversity and the cultural contexts of the communities they serve. Source: National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University
A stereotype is an overgeneralization about an entire group of people. Stereotypes A stereotype is an overgeneralization about an entire group of people. Why do we stereotype? Our brains naturally generalize and categorize. Humans need to belong. We group together. In doing so we create “the other.”
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) Discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. For more information, see's_hierarchy_of_needs. Keep in mind that the Hierarchy is linear, in that physiological needs must be filled before safety needs surface, safety needs must be fulfilled before love/belonging needs surface, etc. Make the point that humans need to belong. We naturally group together. In doing so we create “the other.”
Food for Thought There are stereotypes about… Teachers Students Truck drivers White people Women When are they harmful?
Introduce documentary and show as much as you can Introduce documentary and show as much as you can. Pause/discuss as you go.
Class Wiki Assign/discuss homework. Discuss next steps.