Where does sickness come from?
Everything in all of creation depends on God.
What God makes is good – very good!
But people choose their own way rather than God’s – sin enters the world. So is this the cause of pain and illness in the world?
No – v.16, “I will increase your pains in childbirth…” Pain is helpful to childbirth (it helps mothers push to completion) So no simple sin = pain/sickness
Having said that, sin can lead directly to sickness Think of 7 deadly sins – gluttony & sloth (heart problems) BUT NOT NECESSARILY SO !! AND CERTAINLY NOT VICE VERSA !!
Natural part of living in this world – things happen
The effects of the actions of others on us – someone stabbing us causes us to bleed!
Sometimes more subtle – cutting corners in buildings causes catastrophes, our desire for cheap goods means people cut corners …
Demonic influence – but don’t get carried away!
Jesus never condemns anyone who is ill for their sickness Yes, he forgives sins before healing (maybe he saw a particular instance – but condemnation wasn’t part of the healing) Rather, he sees the possibility of God at work in a situation
How do we see God at work in the world? What possibilities exist for God to transform a situation?
Sometimes it is seeing things differently - death is not the end – God awaits, and full healing takes place in his presence. So releasing people into God’s keeping is a greater act of faith than asking for healing to keep them in this world Sickness can often bring us closer to God – if we allow it It provides the opportunity to give to others – kindness, help, comfort, healing
Perhaps especially the chance to show that others that they are not alone – but we are God’s presence, Not in words, not in actions, but in presence To those who are abandoned …