BOVEX Electronic bovine passport exchange Presentation to Ministero Della Salute Rome 30/5 – 1/6 2012
Overview of presentation Introduction and background Technical part Use-cases Data dictionary Some concrete advise for connecting to BOVEX: Intial tests Developing a client system Conclusions
Introduction and background Part 1 Introduction and background
Business case Intiative under EU Animal Health Strategy 2007 – 2013: "TRACES: single portal for all veterinary matters" Investigate interoperability between national databases of bovine animals Pilot phase, follow-up The need for exchange has been emphasized by multiple MS on more than one occasion
Overview Start simple: Basic set of operations: 64/432 minimums Basic set of operations: Upload Recall Retrieve Acknowledge Verification against veterinary certificate before passport can be retrieved
History of project 2009 – 2010: Development of prototype system 2010: Initial tests by BE, IT, DE 2011: Tests by GR, ES 2011 - 2012: Further interest from FR, IE, LV, PL 2012: Go live Q3 – Q4
What are the potential benefits? Veterinary: Increased security, traceability and accuracy Efficiency: Reduce the administrative burden Over 3 million bovines transported every year Assume dematerialisation saves 1 minute per passport Already 1/3 dematerialised means yearly savings of 1 million minutes, or around 10 man years! Even without full dematerialisation, BOVEX can help streamline the passport transfer!
Part 2 Technical part
Use-cases view Submit EO2 EO1 Retrieve Acknowledge NatDB2 NatDB1 Sending country Destination country
Use-case 1: submit passports (intent to export) EO1 NatDB1 BOVEX eartags retrieve in DB passports submit(…) store in exchange DB
Use-case 2: retrieve passports (upon arrival) EO2 NatDB2 BOVEX TRACES Passports Certificate reference retrieve(IDs) getCertData(…) checks Passports error codes processing Valid? Destination country? Identifier numbers match?
Use-case 3: acknowledge passports NatDB1 NatDB2 BOVEX acknowledge(IDs) retrieved? OK, error codes NotifyAck(IDs)
Architecture overview MS EC XMLGate MS authority Opaque message BOVEX message https BOVEX Process export/import INTRA.IT.2012…. TRACES Passports exchange LVU Create / check health certificate TRACES Certificate
Data Dictionary: Message structure XMLGate WS Call BOVEX WS Call
Data Dictionary: PassportType
Data Dictionary: submit passports
Data Dictionary: retrieve passports One per eartag
Some practical advise Known to work with: Java (JAX-WS, Axis2), .NET First establish connectivity: SOAPUI: SumService call Run the SimpleClient Java program from HOWTO bundle Start simple: Develop a SumService client in your target environment before more advanced things
Trouble shooting Error codes: "SXG…" means XMLGate related error "BVX…" means BOVEX detected an error Project functional mailbox:
Part 3 Conclusions
Current Planning Prepare production deployment: Provide a recall mechanism Extend to support EID type (support legal base) Support passport numbers different than eartags as key for retrieval Make more robust (ear tag formats, date checks…) Target deployment: Q3 / early Q4 2012
Once deployed… Gain momentum and experience with real usage: ES, GR seem more or less ready to go live BE, FR, IT, LV show active interest, others have requested information We will support all interested MS in using the exchange We will ensure the level of service as required
…and towards full dematerialisation Digital signature support: non-disputable identification of sender non-modifiable timestamping Extend protocol beyond 64/432 (UN/CEFACT): Mother and father eartag vaccination history support more thorough handling of breed and colour codes …