Name as many woods as you can:
CW Date Discovering Timbers
Understand Timbers Know the primary sources of materials for producing timbers Recognise characteristics of different timbers Explain and understand physical and working properties and how they affect the performance of timbers
In your book: Explain the difference between Hard Wood and Soft Wood (6 points)
Success Criteria: Hardwood comes from deciduous, softwood evergreen Explain that deciduous means loose leaves, evergreen doesn’t Hardwood broad leaves, evergreen needles and cones Hardwood slow growing, Softwood fast growing Softwood more readily available Softwood cheaper
Question: Explain why beech has been used to make the wooden spoon (2)
Question: Name one suitable material, a reason and the original source of the material (3)
Question: Name one suitable material, a reason and the original source of the material (3)
Question: Name one suitable material, a reason and the original source of the material (3)
Manufactured board Name Complete the table (2) Manufactured board Name Give three advantages of using MDF instead of solid natural timber (6)
Understand Timbers Know the primary sources of materials for producing timbers Recognise characteristics of different timbers Explain and understand physical and working properties and how they affect the performance of timbers
Final Questioning One person must say the name of a timber Someone else must say what it could be used for Someone else must try and explain and justify why it is suitable for that use Someone else could add another point to agree with it Someone else could disagree and say why Someone else could give an alternative timber and explain why And then go back to the start