Getting Started with lead improvement team Convene lead improvement team for first meeting to determine - Agree & communicate regular day, time and place to meet Introduce effective meeting skills Agree on the ground rules Agree a decision making plan (votes, consensus..) Agree your communication strategy – email, notice board Explore 5Ps – review each P & create a data collection plan
7 Step Meeting Process/Agenda 1. Clarify aims: what we will get done 2. Review roles: leader, recorder, timekeeper, facilitator 3. Review agenda and determine time for each item 4. Work through agenda items
7 Step Meeting Process/Agenda 5. Review meeting record: review flipchart record, make changes/additions, decide what to keep for meeting record 6. Plan next actions & next agenda: who will do what off line & aims for next meeting 7. Evaluate the meeting: went well, could improve
Role of Lead Improvement Group Serve as the “bridge” to the others in your role Information and data flow back and forth Important role to “get everyone in the game” of improvement - Comms Most documents should be DRAFT until staff have a chance to review and be in engaged in improvement