STP Units 3 & 4 Configuration Management South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company Units 3 & 4 Marcia Hickman November 24, 2018 EN MRM Standardization Model
STP Units 3 & 4 EN MRM Standardization Model
STP Units 3 & 4 Project Update Procurement of Long Lead Materials Development of Plant Specific Design NRC Review of Cola is ongoing 1 of the 4 Final Plants qualified for the Federal Energy Act of 2005; Guaranteed Loans Start some preliminary site preparation work later this year Unit 3 RPV is being forged in Japan (JSW) EN MRM Standardization Model
STP Units 3 & 4 CM Update Developing Configuration Information Management System(CIMS) Released Pre-Operation CM Program Provided CM training to all of our EPC Team and also STP personnel Implemented a standard component and document numbering system EN MRM Standardization Model
CMP Function - Identification ISSUE EPC wants to use their numbering system. STP wants to use their numbering system. EN MRM Standardization Model
Future for CM STP Units 3 & 4 Implement CIMS Identify SSCs that fall under CM Work to improve our communications with the EPC team EN MRM Standardization Model
Questions? EN MRM Standardization Model