Jason and the Golden Fleece
Cast of characters Jason- Son of Aeson, trained by Chiron. He is the rightful heir of the throne of Iolcus. Pelias usurped his throne. Pelias-A son of Poseidon, and a twin brother to Neleus. After he stole the throne from his brother, he promised Jason the throne back if he would go to Colchis, avenge Phrixus’s murder, and return with the fleece.
Hercules Hercules/Heracles-the son of Zeus and Alcmene (Zeus disguised himself as Amphitryon, Alcmene’s husband and Zeused her up.) He did not complete the journey with Jason and the Argonauts. PS: Hera hates him.
Medea Medea-A daughter of Aetes, the king of Colchis. She falls in love with her father’s enemy. She exacts revenge on Jason’s enemy Pelias by tricking his daughters into murdering him.
Atalanta Atalanta's father wanted a boy so badly that when Atalanta was born, he exposed her on a hill where she was suckled by a she bear, sent by Artemis, until a group of hunters found her and raised her to womanhood. She was a huntress who participated in the Calydonian boar hunt. She was beautiful but didn’t want to marry. Her eventual marriage came about because of a race. She was the only woman on the Argo.
Orpheus The son of Apollo and Calliope. He was one of the Argonauts, and when the Argo had to pass the island of the Sirens, it was Orpheus' music which prevented the crew from being lured to destruction.
Castor and Pollux Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under which disguise Jupiter had concealed himself. Leda gave birth to an egg, from which sprang the twins. Helen, so famous afterwards as the cause of the Trojan war, was their sister. Castor was famous for taming and managing horses, and Pollux for skill in boxing. They were united by the warmest affection, and inseparable in all their enterprises. They accompanied the Argonautic expedition. During the voyage a storm arose, and Orpheus prayed to the Samothracian gods, and played on his harp, whereupon the storm ceased and stars appeared on the heads of the brothers. From this incident, Castor and Pollux came afterwards to be considered the patron deities of seamen and voyagers (One of the ships in which St. Paul sailed was named the Castor and Pollux. See Acts xxviii.II.), and the lambent flames, which in certain sates of the atmosphere play round the sails and masts of vessels, were called by their names.
Peleus King of the Myrmidons (ant people) and married to Thetis; he was the father of Achilles. He was an Argonaut and participated in the Calydonian boar hunt. He outlived his children and grandchildren.
Apsyrtus Medea’s brother whom she murdered. She tells him she has been abducted and says she will return the fleece to him if he meets her. They meet; he dies. In some stories it is said that she took his body with her, then threw it in the water (in pieces) as their ship was being pursued.
The “road” home Jason and Medea had to purify themselves for the murder of Apsyrtus, so they went to Circe (Medea’s aunt) to be purged of their guilt. To get home, they had to pass through the Scylla and Charybdis, but Hera had nymphs guide their ship. They also encountered Talus-a gigantic bronze warrior. The hounds of Hades got him.
What happened to the Fleece? The fleece travelled with Jason and Medea to Orchomenus and hung in the temple of Zeus.
The main events Lemnian women Phineas’ island Clashing rocks Colchis Bulls; dragon tooth warriors; serpent/fleece The murder of Apsyrtus http://www.mythweb.com/heroes/jason/
"Orpheus. " Encyclopedia Mythica. 2012. Encyclopedia Mythica Online "Orpheus." Encyclopedia Mythica. 2012. Encyclopedia Mythica Online. 16 Sep. 2012 <http://www.pantheon.org/articles/o/orpheus.html>. http://www.onlinemythology.com/castor_pollux/