KEY TERMS FOR FEUDALISM Fief: grant of land from a lord to a vassal Lord: a nobleman who gives a grant of land (fief) to a lesser nobleman in exchange for military service and a pledge of loyalty Vassal: a lesser nobleman who is given land after he publically takes an oath of fealty (loyalty) to support his lord.
The Collapse of Rome’s Empire Rome fell in 476 as a result of Germanic invasions Central government breaks down and trade is disrupted Cities are abandoned and population centers shift to rural areas
Filling to void left by Rome Christianity remain a major unifying force throughout most of Western Europe The lack of centralized government created a need for a new social order. Ties of loyalty and family bound Germanic people together
The common need for economic self-sufficiency and local protection led to a new pattern of govt based on land ownership. The manor (castle) becomes the main economic unit. The feudal system develops with a king at the top and a system of mutual obligations linking lords and vassals.
Well, there's not much in it for me Surly Peasant