Agenda Vehicle Design Overview Flight Overview Stability Recovery Subsystem Payload Subsystem Propulsion Subsystem Education Engagement Budget Timeline Future Work
Vehicle Design Overview Details Length: 79.3 inches Diameter: 4 inches Weight: 9.8 pounds Materials Airframe: Phenolic Tubing Fins: Fiberglass Here we have the overview of the rocket design. The body of the rocket is made of phenolic tubing and the fins are made of fiberglass. From left to right we have the nose cone, payload bay, the area the drogue chute will be placed, electronics bay,space for the main chute, the motor mount, and fins. The rocket was extended by a foot since the PDR, the payload bay was moved below the nose of the rocket and given it’s own section of body tubing, this allowed more room for the main parachute in the lower section of the body, which was needed when we decided on a larger main to reduce landing speeds. Inside the payload bay is where we will be conducting our liquid sloshing experiment and the atmospheric measurement experiment and the electronics bay contains all of the electronics for our recovery system. The next slide is our flight overview.
Flight Overview K454-SK motor Expected altitude: 5228 ft Max velocity: 817 ft/s Mach number: 0.73 Max acceleration: 363 ft/s TWR: 13.3 Drift distance: 5mph: 520 ft 10 mph: 1040 ft 15 mph: 1560 ft 20 mph: 2080 ft Cessaroni K454-SK TWR was significantly increased since PDR next is Stability with Michael
Stability Center of Pressure: 64.4 inches Center of Gravity: 49 inches Static Stability Margin: 3.8 Cal Distance to stable velocity: 3.3 feet Rail exit velocity: 71 ft/s Michael: So as you can see: - Static stability margin increased to 3.8, an increase of over 1 caliber since PDR. Stability now peaks at around 5 caliber during flight. - Stability increase is due to moving the payload bay to the front of the rocket. - distance to stable velocity: 3.3 feet - rail exit velocity of 71 ft/s
Recovery Subsystem 2 StratologgerCF altimeters TeleGPS tracker 12 inch drogue deploy at apogee 60 inch main parachute at 700 feet AGL 82 ft/s under drogue Landing at 19 ft/s Kinetic energy at landing: 12.5 ft*lbs 9.9 ft*lbs 24.7 ft*lbs Michael: -Two stratologgerCF altimeters -TeleGPS flew on the subscale rocket, transmitted and stored data as expected, which was analyzed after the flight. -12 inch drogue parachute will deploy at apogee, as was suggested during PDR to decrease our drift distance. -60 inch main parachute will deploy at 700 feet, to ensure landing at 19 ft/s -Both drogue and main parachutes will have backup charges that fire immediately after the primary charge, to ensure recovery devices deploy. - both altimeters powered off 9v batteries, turned on by switches that will be accessible from outside the rocket. Wiring will feed from the altimeters to a pair of terminal blocks on either end of the electronics bay. -Terminal blocks allow for quick disassembly of the e-bay to facilitate maintenance, such as replacing batteries, and allow us to attach ematches later in assembly, for safety. -E-matches will be connected to the terminal blocks and wired into the charge caps, which will be packed with 2 grams of black powder each.
Payload Subsystem 2 Raspberry Pi computers Collecting atmospheric data during descent and landing Video of liquid sloshing: distilled water, saline solution, vegetable oil Michael: As you can see on the slide, the payload bay design has been refined and finalized Wooden sled where all computers and hardware are mounted. 3D printed mounts are attached to bottom of payload bay. More 3d printed mounts on sides of sled. The sled will slide into the payload bay and be seated inside the brackets at the base. Nosecone will be attached with screws on top, which will hold the payload sled in place. two raspberry pi computers two payloads: atmospheric measurement suite liquid sloshing experiment Computer hardware for each payload has been tested the UV/Light sensor, which is currently in further testing and may be a defective unit needing replaced. one of the raspberry pi’s had a bad camera port and needed replaced Computer hardware has been assembled, with the exception of the light sensor initial programming is complete. Accelerometer data is used to detect the various stages of flight. Data is successfully collected during simulated flight. Data is stored in comma separated values file onboard. Pictures are taken during descent and landing Ten minutes after landing the atmospheric data csv and images are sent via a wireless serial connection between the XBee transciever on the payload to a receiver at our groundstation computer. Software testing: Acceleration data was pulled from OpenRocket and stored as a CSV onboard the computer. For benchtop testing of code, data from the live accelerometer is replaced with data from the OpenRocket simulation. This provides a way to debug the code without flying the payload between software patches During the fullscale test flight, acceleration data will also be logged over time, to provide another set of reference data to be used for benchtop testing of the software Future testing will include transmission integrity over long distances.
Propulsion Subsystem Pro54 Cessaroni Reload engine mount AeroPack engine retainer Fins glued to motor mount tube for strength Recovery harness mount Peter: The propulsion subsystem is shown up on the slide. We are using a Cessaroni K454-SK motor. Simulations have shown that the rocket will have a max speed of 817 feet per second and give will off 131 to 102 pounds of thrust; we believe this will sufficiently hold the motor in place. To help contain the motor we have chosen to use a Pro54 Cessaroni Reload engine mount and an AeroPack engine retainer. The fins will be glued to the motor mount tube for strength. Shock cable will be connected to an eye-bolt that is connected to the side of the upper center ring.
Current Status Subscale flight completed Materials purchased Quality control of components Construction started Software under development Education outreach Peter: To date, we have successfully completed our subscale launch. We took a model rocket, that has a similar margin of stability to our main rocket, and launched it to see how it would react off of the launch rail. The GPS unit was also tested onboard that flight. We are securing our last components, we had to send one of our raspberry pi's back because it failed testing. We received the replacement today and expect to have testing done within one to two days. We have finished most of our quality control testing on our science payload. We need to test the new raspberry pi, and resolve an issue with our light sensor, which may need replacement. We have planned for testing to be completed for other components by February 12th. Even though we had a small set-back with faulty components, we have already started construction of our rocket and its subsystems. For subsystems that we haven’t been able to fully construct (like our recovery system and propulsion system), we have completed dry-fit testing to verify the different components fit. With our science payload subsystem further along, we have started programing our software for our raspberry pi’s. Everything seems good and operational with the science payload software.Next is our education outreach. We are transitioning from planning to scheduling of education events. Next Slide.
Educational Engagement Activity 1: Launch small A and B and C class rockets for 6-8 graders Activity 2: Balloon rocket for K-3 students, Coke and Mentos Demonstration for K-5 graders Activity 3: G class rocket demonstration for 12th grade physics class Education engagement will be approached from reaching out to a few schools near the University. We have broken up what we plan on doing in three different activities. These activities are listed on the slide. We have reached out to the schools listed and expect to set a solid date soon. On top of reaching out to other schools, we plan on visiting intro engineering classes here at the University to educate our peers on what we do as a club and some of the different science behind designing and creating a rocket.
Budget This is a table of our total aggregate expected costs for this year. In total we have purchased everything for our payload, fuselage, recovery, and sub-scale systems. The only things we have left to purchase are our motors, items for our education programs, and our travel expenses. Our payload, recovery, subscale, and education budgets have stayed the same since the PDR. The propulsion and fuselage along with our travel budgets have both changed. Our propulsion has changed because of our different choice in motor. The travel budget has became more solidified in the exact cost. Talk about breakdown I am finalizing additional support from UT’s MIME department along with funding from BorgWarner. We have received the donation from BlairIT.
Timeline Our schedule is portioned into 4 different sections. Each section corresponds to a certain part of the critical path. As of right now our team is on schedule. We’re working on construction of our rocket currently, along with finalizing up the electronics. Michael and his team has been hard at work with that over the past few months. We’ve completed our sub-scale test and done all previous goals for the PDR and CDR. We’re on track to run our full scale test. The tentative date for that launch will be Feb. 20th and we are working on nailing that down by the end of this week.
Future Work Continue construction Continue testing Continue education engagement Finalize software Scout location and time for full scale launch Pursue more funding Andrew -For future work we will continue the construction of our rocket as a whole and finish that within the next few weeks. -We will also continue with more intensive testing on our electronics and our rocket design as a whole.. We need to high height drop tests, distance testing, ground testing of our recovery system, and parachute deployment. We are also pursing a day we can use a wind tunnel to test our final design. -Scheduling time in the near future to 3D print parts at the UT Maker Space -Our full scale launch test is looking like it will be feb. 20th, we are still seeking other options, dependant on the weather in our location and distances to launch facilities. -I am also in the process of securing more funding for our club for our club so the whole team can travel down to the competition
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