Summary Writing Dandelion
Problem? Points Vocabulary Structure …… Logic(逻辑)
For years, humans have made war with the dandelion(蒲公英) For years, humans have made war with the dandelion(蒲公英). Most people consider dandelions annoying weeds, and try to get rid of them. They usually pull them up by the roots, or use chemicals to kill the plants. But our war with the dandelion may soon be over. What do the two pronouns refer to? What is people’s attitude towards dandelion?
For years, humans have made war with the dandelion For years, humans have made war with the dandelion. Most people consider dandelions annoying weeds, and try to get rid of them. Humans usually pull dandelions up by the roots, or use chemicals to kill the plants. But our war with the dandelion may soon be over. What do the two pronouns refer to? What is people’s attitude towards dandelion? What is the main idea of this part? ___________________________________
Opinion 1: For years, humans have made war with the dandelion. Opinion 2: But our war with the dandelion may soon be over. Opinion 3: + Which opinion do you support?
①Although considered weeds, it’s no secret that dandelions have their uses. ②Young dandelion leaves make a delicious salad. ③Dandelion plants have a long, thin root called a taproot, which grows deep into the soil. ④The taproot creates paths in the soil, which allow water and air to mix in and keep soil healthy. ⑤Dandelion flowers also attract ladybugs, which can help kill small insect pests in gardens. What’s the topic sentence in this paragraph?
seeds flower taproot stem leave fluffy parachute attract ladybugs to kill pests keep soil healthy stem leave make salad fluffy parachute
What does the middle columm represent? leaves make salad dandelion keep soil healthy taproot flowers attract ladybugs to kill pests What does the middle columm represent? What does the right columm represent? Main idea:_______________________________ Every part of a dandelion is beneficial, with leaves making…, taproot … and flowers…
√ Read Para. 3 and answer: What is dandelion’s another benefit? What else can produce rubber?What features? How does the author write this paragraph? giving an example B. making a definition C. making a contrast D. listing statistics √
substitute (v. 替代;n. 替代品), reproducible allergy-free Main idea:___________________________ Dandelions can be used as a substitute for rubber trees to make rubber, which is reproducible and allergy-free.
①Still, scientists have some questions they need to answer before we can make dandelions our main source of rubber. ②Some scientists believe that in less than five years, we will have those answers and will finally end the war with this so-called weed. ③So, when we make peace with the dandelion, at long last, we’ll be planting it, instead of pulling it! Which are the key words in this paragraph? Why?
dandelion peace answers questions With problems solved, …… Main idea:____________________________ With problems solved, ……
For years, humans have made war with the dandelion. + But our war with the dandelion may soon be over. Every part of …. a substitute for rubber trees… With problems solved, .. . Writing: Task 1: Use proper linking words to link main ideas. Task 2: Change the words when necessary.
Summary: Function sentence (para.1) Topic sentence; supporting details(para.2) Writing method (para.3) Key words(para.4) Logic Home work: Finish the summary and polish it.