July 11th 2018 Birmingham Tony Brown Technical Update July 11th 2018 Birmingham Tony Brown
Work towards full compliance SEPA Application feedback, process, time window FPS Pollution Plan GBR 28 check list process, amendments identified Next Move Development of Improvement plan SEPA New Guidance Further regulation Feedback from SEPA: currently identified a low number of applications, (9) SEPA in the process of chasing all relevant parties Apart from those terminals under COMAH, two members have submitted under GBR28 check list Pollution Plan now available on FPS website for guidance GBR checklist identified an issue with the transfer of wording, none return fitted within the feed line, would be none compliant for GBR28 (not suitable wording for an oil distribution depot) SEPA checking with NI and England authorities. Discussed at OCC meeting move to amend Meeting held with other Trade associations and SEPA to develop guidance, flowchart to assist in the development of a improvement plan based on risk SEPA will update the current guidance on website, to include FPS Pollution plan, depot inspection process and the new improvement plan flowchart Other authorities are monitoring the SEPA regulation, indicating that England are studying this process, under the review of the OSR England 2001. SEPA indicated, looking at other storage under CAR, (underground storage??), but only comments at this stage. Work towards full compliance
Industry needs to respond Red Diesel Non-road mobile machinery HMT position Scope of call for evidence (Stage2) : Deadline 24th July 2018 Consultation open until 24th July 2018 Meeting with HMT and HMRC, stage 1 potential impact to our industry, agreed to exclude Home heating, agriculture, marine and generators from next round stage 2 call for evidence Stage 2 covers Air pollution and NRMM resulting from the combustion process. NOX, Particulate matter, VOC, Target more stringent emissions standards, which will be similar to Euro 6 Gather views and insights into how NRMM is used, why diesel powered. Understand available options for reducing emissions for NRMM London launched a low emission NRMM scheme, setting minimum emission standards Background: Estimate 25% of red diesel is used for agricultural, which is not in densely populated areas. In urban areas they consider greater risks from the construction machinery - London 7% Nox, estimated from construction and infrastructure building sector Stating Emissions from road transport continues to fall. Lack of data on the subject Facts from the National Statistics indicate 25% of construction work by valve takes place in London. Industry needs to respond
Vehicle Operation MOT certificate changes for HGV’s/Trailer, and trailer disc’s Road User Levy changes in 2019 London Direct Vision Standards and HGV Safety Permit Dangerous Goods ADR/MOT issues DVSA has confirmed from 14th July 2018 they will introduce printed test certificates (MOT) for HGV’s and trailers. This will replace current handwritten types, similar to car certs. Hand written before this date will remain valid until expiry date. Stop issuing the trailer disc from 14th July. Changes to the road user levy comes into force from February 2019, vehicles meeting the Euro VI emission standard eligible for a 10% reduction in the charge London Direct Vision standards: TFL backed down from mandatory training as part of this standard, ‘only advisory undertaking’ Currently as it stands, operators apply for a permit will be asked to demonstrate key training on safety of vulnerable road users All goods vehicles entering London from 26th October 2020 will require an HGV safety permit. Vehicles need to meet one star rating or evidence will have to be provided that they meet the requirements. Further public consultation will take place early 2019. Dangerous goods testing traffic light system Experiencing all kind of issues, certain ATF’s have been re classified and are no longer able to take ADR vehicles. It has been suggested we fill vehicles with Water to take a vehicle to test (what do we do with the contaminated water after test?). Many of the ATF claim they were previously unaware of the changes to the classification, resulting in bookings been taken beyond the implementation date Occasions where the ATF did not know of the changes until contacted to ask for there new status. In the past 3 weeks, 3 vehicles had to seek alternative test facility. 1 occasion vehicle sent to an approved ATF for ADR (amber ATF) and awaited for a cancellation. 3 weeks later the vehicle went through MOT/ADR test. Test dates being offered for vehicles that are unable to be tested are normally quoted as 90 days, as per normal booking process. FPS in discussion with DVSA and DFT. Keep ahead of the game
Plan ahead when buying new vehicles Clean Air Zones ULEZ extension for London Planned CAZ’S for Leeds, Birmingham and Southampton CO2 2019 Vehicle Energy Consumption London Ultra low Emission Zone will expand out to the north and south circular roads from 25th October 2021 ULEZ replaces the current T charge emissions surcharge applied to older vehicles entering the capital Charges for vehicles that don’t meet the standard: daily rate of £12.50 for vans and light trucks £100 for pre Euro 6 HGV’s CAZ Leeds: Proposed boundary of the city’s zone, adjusted to achieve greater Air Quality effects, whilst reducing the number of HGV’s located within the zone from 13,000 to 4,500. Charges £50 per day for HGV’s . Leeds city council plan to launch a consultation shortly CAZ Birmingham: Plans for the zone covering only the area inside its middle ring road- this is smaller that the original plan, the proposal will cover all vehicles, Plan to launch a consultation shortly CAZ Southampton: City wide Class B zone, which would charge all type of vehicles . Expected start date end of 2019. CO2 will matter from 2019 Car and vans have been subject to CO2 regulations to meet target set by the EU since 2013, there has been an EU strategy to bring trucks over 7.5 tonnes into a similar regime, a test method to measure fuel CO2 emissions from trucks have now been developed based on the vehicle energy consumption calculation tool (VECTO) From January 2019 for certain types of trucks, will bring in the VECTO to the approval type. Manufactures will need to declare HGV CO2 values when placed on the EU market, sometime in 2020. Further plans which will require monitoring and reporting of CO2 data. We now understand that from 2021 it will include trailers as well. EU plan to publish a new proposal setting CO2 limits for trucks mid 2018. Plan ahead when buying new vehicles