Figure 3 Semantic model of the active surveillance (AS) timeline (from diagnosis to long-term evaluation), including associated terms and definitions per stage Figure 3 | Semantic model of the active surveillance (AS) timeline (from diagnosis to long-term evaluation), including associated terms and definitions per stage. The first event is diagnosis of prostate cancer by biopsy sampling. Patients are then evaluated and stratified by the risk category of their disease: very-low-risk, low-risk, intermediate-risk, high-risk or clinically insignificant. A treatment choice appropriate to their risk category is then made, choices of therapy include AS, watchful waiting, active treatment and definitive treatment. Patients can then undergo re-evaluation diagnostics including a confirmatory biopsy and assessing the Gleason score of the cancer, after which a repeat risk evaluation can be undertaken. Based on this new risk evaluation, treatment can be adapted accordingly and patients enter into a long-term evaluation protocol. Bruinsma, S. M. et al. (2017) Semantics in active surveillance for men with localized prostate cancer — results of a modified Delphi consensus procedure Nat. Rev. Urol. doi:10.1038/nrurol.2017.26