Oregon ESSENCE Reports
Types of reports Seasonal Hazards Mass gatherings Flu Season Public Health Surveillance/Emerging events
Seasonal Hazard Reports Oregon Health Authority Biweekly in the fall, winter and summer Queries are identified ahead of time Produced using the Report Feature in ESSENCE
Seasonal Hazard Reports Oregon Health Authority Charts are created by ESSENCE and inserted into an MS Document Interpretation is added later Templates are tricky to modify!
Olympic Track & Field Trials Lane County Public Health Daily epidemiology report including syndromic surveillance, notifiable disease, and outbreak data 4-5 pages long with interpretation for each query Created in Report Feature What is ESSENCE and how does it work in OR
Eclipse Oregon Health Authority Monitoring ED, poison center, EMS, reportable disease, active surveillance 50+ queries
Eclipse Oregon Health Authority Summarize findings into a one page handout Not produced with Report Feature
Eclipse Mini Report Lane County Public Health Good morning! This is the inaugural Syndromic Surveillance report for our “Eclipse Event”. This morning I have logged into ESSENCE – which is an acronym for Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics- and ran 12 queries that look at conditions reported at all of our local Emergency Rooms and some of the Urgent cares as well. The 12 categories are: Total Visits, Alcohol-use, Asthma-like, Heat-related illness, Mammal bites, Motor vehicle-related injuries, Fever, Nausea/Vomiting and Diarrhea, Eye injury, Beach/Water recreation, Drowning or submersion, and a general sort of catch-all called Eclipse. Result: There were no remarkable findings for all 12 queries, which means syndromic surveillance data for Lane County is at expected levels for all conditions surveyed, including increases due to normal seasonal variations and there are currently no findings of Public Health significance. (That’s the report! )