EMIS 8374 Node Splitting updated 27 January 2004


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Presentation transcript:

EMIS 8374 Node Splitting updated 27 January 2004

Limit Flow Through Node 4 to between 2 and 6 units 1 4 3 5 6 2 (c12, l12, u12) (c13, l13, u13) (c24, l24, u24) (c34, l34, u34) (c45, l45, u45) (c46, l46, u46)

Split Node 4 2 6 (c24, l24, u24) (c46, l46, u46) (0, 2, 6) 4 4’ 3 5

Resulting Network Parameters for dashed arcs shown on previous slide (c12, l12, u12) 2 1 4 4’ 6 3 5 (c13, l13, u13)

Splitting a Generic Node Add node i’ to the network For each node j such that (i,j) is an Arc in the original network Add arc (i’,j) with parameters identical to arc (i,j) Remove arc (i,j) from the network Add arc (i,i’) with appropriate parameters for the flow passing “through” node i.